The Promise
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 Bible).… Read the rest
Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®
Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 Bible).… Read the rest
Do you consistently speak words of hope or do you speak words of despair? The power of words we use is immense.… Read the rest
It is impossible to grow in your career without being able to say No. If you say Yes all the time, that means you are being a people-pleaser.… Read the rest
Be passionate about one thing. Your passion shouts out loud when you talk. You need not try to convince the interviewer about your passion; it simply shines through.… Read the rest
There is not one who does not feel anxious at some point in time. For a student it can be just before an exam; for a professional it can be some pending work or a meeting with the boss.… Read the rest
Hard work leads to success. There is no doubt about it. So many people have proven that through their life and experience.… Read the rest
“Be still” as your success mantra is easily said than done. Being still is not about switching off one’s mind and thinking; but bringing God into the driver’s seat of one’s mind.… Read the rest
We all know the story of the greedy fox. Therefore, today, let me tell you something about greed. [Click this link to listen to the BPPS Podcast of this speech on YouTube.]… Read the rest
There is no success, no movement forward, no progress, no growth, and no development if you don’t try. So it is popularly said, “Try again and again until you succeed.”… Read the rest
Victors, even when they have seasons of doubt, never yield to despair. Their attitude is not that of a defeatist one but one of a champion, a winner or a victor.… Read the rest
You need not be a millionaire to make people happy. You can simply make a difference by saying a timely word.… Read the rest
Most of you will agree that your mind is at war almost always. There are battles happening every now and then.… Read the rest
Usain Bolt, one of the greatest sprinters the world has seen, wrote in his autobiography1: “Distraction for one hundredth of a second might be enough to lose a race.”… Read the rest
Hello Everyone,
The Bible says: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119 verse 11.… Read the rest
Times have changed. Centuries have passed by. Empires have risen and fallen. From the man who walked all the way; we have come to a point when man travels to Space as a tourist.… Read the rest
You are reading this probably because you are going through a period of low self-esteem. It can happen due to a lot of reasons.… Read the rest
Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are commonly talked about. The advancement in technology and the giant leaps made in development has caused harm to our environment and to ourselves.… Read the rest
Forgiving someone who has done you harm or wronged you in some way is not easy. We hold a grudge against a person who has wronged us.… Read the rest
A world in which people are becoming more self-centred and busy, kindness holds a miracle-working power. Possibly kindness is a kind of tender-hearted and compassionate love in action.… Read the rest
When angels compere, first and foremost, they compere only according to script. For angels deliver God’s message given them.… Read the rest
Even when others might call you a failure; God doesn’t call you so. For the blood of Jesus shed on the cross was to give you a new beginning in life.… Read the rest
Praising God does not come naturally to any one of us. We are reluctant to give God, praise. And when it comes to our failures which certainly includes mistakes made; there is no chance or even a remote thought of praising God.… Read the rest
Sermons come in short and long versions. It can move the hearts of people if delivered well. Many have written scholarly books and articles on homiletics—the art and craft of sermons and preaching.… Read the rest
Today is different from yesterday because each one of us is growing up. I am fascinated by the change that is happening.… Read the rest
Ask! Seek! Knock!1 Here are three words that can change your life. Those words come to you from the One who changes lives and transforms the hearts of people.… Read the rest
Techniques and tips might help but those don’t bring success to you in interviews. You have to choose to have what it takes to succeed.… Read the rest
Joy getting the better of fear is what public speaking can be to you. A right perspective about you the messenger, about the message, and about the audience will help you to get rid of stage fright and speak with joy.… Read the rest
Many people are disappointed with prayer; maybe you too are! In this short speech you’ll discover four reasons why your prayers can go unanswered.… Read the rest
Many demand respect but sadly it cannot be commanded. On the other hand, respect is hard-earned. In this short speech let me highlight four ways you can earn respect from others.… Read the rest
So many get confused about which branch or course of study they should choose at major turning points in their academic life.… Read the rest