There is every chance that the title resonated with the pain in your heart; isn’t it? Many people are unhappy at work.… Read the rest
The Role of Sports and Games in the Life of Children
Sports and games are good for children. They help children to have fun, relax, and socialize with other children.
Sports and games provide an opportunity for children to have physical activity.… Read the rest
When Angels Compere: 7 Golden Tips for Compering
I. Write a compere script.
When angels compere, first and foremost, they compere only according to script. For angels deliver God’s message given them.… Read the rest
Creation versus Evolution Debate
Creation versus Evolution debate has been raging for many decades now. The world is still divided. In this speech, let me argue for Creation.… Read the rest
Motivational Speech: Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come!
Arise, shine, for your light has come. There is a moment when God touches your life. You can never be the same again.… Read the rest
Look to Jesus
Look to Jesus for he is your Saviour, compassionate, merciful and tender-hearted.
Look to Jesus for he will never forsake you; or anyone who has put trust in him.… Read the rest
To Be Prepared with Your Speech Is the One Great Secret of Your Confidence
The fisherman prepares his nets and fishing rods. A cricket batsman prepares in the nets. The motto of the Scouts says “Be prepared.”… Read the rest
Students, 7 Steps to Overcome Your Fear of Exams!
Exams cause a lot of fear to you; don’t they? Expectations of parents and teachers, comparison with siblings and friends, comments from neighbours and even strangers add fuel to the fire.… Read the rest
And He Will Be Called
Listen to YouTube Shorts
He came to save people from their sins. No other person has ever addressed this basic need of men and women.… Read the rest
Chocolates Are Not Lollipops!
Chocolates are not lollipops. Of course they are not; but both can be enjoyed in a traffic jam in the skies.… Read the rest
KISS–Keep It Short and Simple!
Let us look at a few thoughts where you can try the KISS principle.
the gift of God, the one and only opportunity one has for doing good.… Read the rest
When in Doubt What to Do: 7 Takeaways for You!
When you are in doubt, the simple wisdom is, do not take hasty decisions. Instead wait.
Allow some time to pass.… Read the rest
It’s Never Too Late to Start
It’s never too late to start. You should turn your back to the past and walk forward in hope. If it is strength for the journey you are worried about; it is God himself who will be your strength.… Read the rest
Believe in the Message of the Foolishness of God!
The message of the cross of Jesus is the foolishness of God. For it puts on exhibit a man crucified in weakness–scorned, mocked, rejected and despised by men.… Read the rest
7 Must-Haves to Build a World Class Culture in Your Organization
It is an Organization’s unique approach to work that helps shape its culture. Building a world class culture in an Organization is like growing a tree.… Read the rest
7 Compelling Steps to Achieve Excellence at the Workplace!
Some work to make a living. Others work because they are passionate. The first kind of people do things well. The second kind of people pursue excellence at the workplace!… Read the rest
Self-Doubt Can Be Overcome to Make You a Winner
Self-doubt can defeat you.
How can you tackle self-doubt? Let us look at seven steps to do so:
Look at the worst that can happen.… Read the rest
Believe in the Power of God-Given Dreams
God-given dreams often have humble beginnings. A small seed of hope sown in one’s heart is what grows, produces branches and fruit and multiplies.… Read the rest
You Can Lead with Confidence: Leadership Simplified for School Children!
Some of you will be called to lead by choice or chance. It is a privilege but a great responsibility too.… Read the rest
7 Motivational Secrets That Will Surely Inspire You
Yes You Can
Great achievements follow when your pursuits are fuelled by the I Can belief and attitude. When this combines with enthusiasm and perseverance you become unstoppable.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech on The Truth Will Set You Free
The truth will set you free if you stop looking at your past and lost opportunities to the new thing that God is willing to do in your life.… Read the rest
Develop Your Communication Skills
Most jobs require good communication skills. If you would like to succeed in your career, it is important you develop good communication skills.… Read the rest
A Love ❤️ Kaleidoscope
When love is absent,
Life is a starless night.
When love is present,
Life is a moonlit sunshine.
When love is absent,
Life is an unsalted egg.… Read the rest
Love and Cherish Your Children As God Wants You To
It is quite natural to be anxious about your children. Your children are God’s gift to you. So they are precious.… Read the rest
7 Ultimate Reasons Why You Fear to Speak in Public
#1. You Stand Alone
That is frightening. Many people like to be in the comfort of a group; allow others to talk and feel happy being led.… Read the rest
7 Essential Stops to Leadership Power Leakage
Leadership is an intentional exercise. If you leave it to chance, the chances are that you will experience power leakage in leadership.… Read the rest
My Friend, Do Not Give Up!
Do not give up.
Problems in life will keep coming just like waves keep hitting the shore. Do not fear when you see them.… Read the rest
Talent Minus Discipline Is Like a Jumbo Jet Without Its Wings
Talent is what God has gifted you with. You can hide it, neglect it, or use it.
Often we find many talented people unable to make it big in life.… Read the rest
Make Excellence the One Habit That You Pursue Incessantly
Excellence is a result of several attitudes. When these attitudes are combined together they become that one habit of excellence that shall springboard you to greatness.… Read the rest
Make Listening Your Top Priority to Succeed in Life
Listening is one key to success in life that is neglected often.
When you listen you gather vital information that can come to be useful in making correct decisions.… Read the rest