JESUS—What Is in a Name?

What is in a name?1 so asked Shakespeare. Perhaps everything.

Let us look at the name of Jesus.

Jesus–the name that rings with joy for at his birth an angel announced good news of great joy to all the people of the world.

Jesus–the name that rings with authority. To those believe in his name is granted life forever, forgiveness of sins, and peace with God.

Jesusthe name that sounds sweet to all those who love him. A name that is a refuge in times of storm; it’s a name that brings a mother’s comforting love when in distress.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Jesus–the name that is above every name.

Yeshua Messiah2
Jesus Christ3
Son of God 4
Son of Man 5
Lamb of God 6
Lion of the Tribe of Judah 7
King of Kings and Lord of Lords 8
Immanuel 9
Word of God 10
Redeemer 11
Word Made Flesh 12
Suffering Servant 13
Good Shepherd 14
Bright Morning Star 15
Prophet and Priest 16
Lily of the Valley 17
Rose of Sharon 18
Light of the World 19
Bread of Life 20
The Way, the Truth and the Life 21
The True Vine 22
The Resurrection and the Life 23
I Am 24
Altogether Lovely 25
Indescribable Gift 26
Saviour of the World 27
Firstborn from the Dead 28
Branch of the LORD 29
Wonderful Counsellor30
Mighty God30
Everlasting Father30
Prince of Peace30
Ancient of Days 31
The Holy One of Israel32
A Man of Sorrows33
The Hope of Glory 34
The Sun of Righteousness 35
Son of Abraham 36
Son of David 37
Friend of Sinners 38
Beloved 39
The Carpenter 40
Angel of His Presence 41
Horn of Salvation 42
Our Brother 43
Mediator of a Better Covenant 44
Christ the Lord 45
The Salvation of God 46
The Lord of the Sabbath 47
My Lord and my God 48
The Firstborn from the Dead 49
Wisdom of God 50
Power of God 50
Lord of Glory 51
Our Passover 52
Spiritual Rock 53
The Last Adam 54
Creator 55
Alpha and Omega 56
One Mediator between God and Men 57
Judge of the Living and the Dead 58
King of Righteousness 59
Author and Finisher of Our Faith 60
A Lamb Without Blemish or Spot 61
Living Stone 62
The Daystar 63
Word of Life 64
The Faithful Witness 65
Root of David 66
I Am . . . the Almighty 67
Lord God Omnipotent 68
The Amen 69
Jesus 70

The name of Jesus is the sure hope of salvation to all who believe in him. Jesus—the name that is above every name.

The Bible declares, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name, under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 71

Again, the Bible says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” 72.

Jesus also linked his name to answers to prayer. He said, “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” 73

Finally, the Bible declares: because Jesus humbled himself, and became obedient to death—even death on a cross—God exalted him to the highest place, gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.74

One of the things that people easily forget is the fact that the name Jesus reminds us that we all need a Saviour. For this was the message that the angel gave to Joseph at the time of the birth of Jesus: “You are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” Yes, the coming of Jesus to this world was as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Jesus, the name that has the authority to forgive the sins of men and women. In his name repentance for the forgiveness of sins is preached to all the nations and to the ends of the world, today. Those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.


In his name you will find pardon and forgiveness and reconciliation with God and acceptance wtih God and a home in heaven for ever and ever.

Jesus—his name is the sweetest name which you can utter on earth or in heaven time without end. Jesus, the name which rings with authority and power. There is no other name like the name of Jesus.

Therefore, to the question, “What is in a name?” the answer is, everything.

Perhaps a rose, like Shakespeare said, might still smell as sweet by another name; but life and love and peace and joy and forgiveness and healing and compassion radiates with brilliant light in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who bled and died on the cross for you!

Let me conclude saying there is no other name like his matchless name!

“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

— John 1:29 Bible

1“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.” — William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Biblical References for Names and Titles of Jesus

2Jesus Christ in Hebrew, 3Titus 3:6, 41 John 5:13, John 1:34, 5Matthew 8:20, 6John 1:29, Revelation 12:11, 7Revelation 5:5, 8Revelation 19:16, 9Matthew 1:23, 10John 1:1, 11Job 19:25, Titus 2:14, 12John 1:14, 13Mark 8:31, Isaiah 52:13—53:12, 14John 10:11, 14, 15Revelation 22:16, 16John 7:40, Hebrews 5:6, 17Song of Songs 2:1, 18Song of Songs 2:1, 19John 8:12, 20John 6:35, 21John 14:6, 22John 15:1, 23John 11:25, 24John 8:58 25Song of Songs 5:16, 262 Corinthians 9:15, 27John 4:42, 28Revelation 1:5, 29Isaiah 4:2, 30Isaiah 9:6, 31 Daniel 7:13–14, 32Isaiah 49:7, 33Isaiah 53:3, 34Colossians 1:27, 35Malachi 4:2, 36Matthew 1:1, 37Matthew 1:1, 38Matthew 11:19, 39Ephesians 1:6, 40Mark 6:3, 41Isaiah 63:9, 42Luke 1:69, 43Mark 3:35, 44Hebrews 8:6, 45Luke 2:11, 46Luke 2:30, 47Matthew 12:8, 48John 20:28, 49Colossians 1:18, 501 Corinthians 1:24, 511 Corinthians 2:8, 521 Corinthians 5:7, 531 Corinthians 10:4, 541 Corinthians 15:45, 55Colossians 1:16, 56Revelation 22:13, 571 Timothy 2:5, 582 Timothy 4:1, 2, 59Hebrews 7:2, 60Hebrews 12:2, 611 Peter 1:19, 621 Peter 2:4, 632 Peter 1:19, 641 John 1:1, 65Revelation 1:5, 66Revelation 5:5, 67Revelation 1:8, 68Revelation 19:6, 69Revelation 3:14, 70Matthew 1:21.

Other references: 71Acts 4:12, 72Proverbs 18:10, 73John 16:23, 74Philippians 2:8 to 11

Do You Know Him Who Calls You by Name?

Hymn: All Hail the Power of Jesus Name

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