The shortest message of Christmas is: “Baby Jesus in Bethlehem and in my heart.” Even a child can understand this. But there are two truths here that we should not miss:
One is the historical reality of Christmas.… Read the rest
Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®
Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®
A word of wisdom in a time of distress; inspiring hope!
The shortest message of Christmas is: “Baby Jesus in Bethlehem and in my heart.” Even a child can understand this. But there are two truths here that we should not miss:
One is the historical reality of Christmas.… Read the rest
Hope came to this world like never before when Jesus rose alive from the dead. That hope is yours for the taking.… Read the rest
Saturday is when nothing seems to happen. That is the day Jesus lay dead in the tomb. But that was not the end.… Read the rest
Someday soon each one of us will stand before God. Then the only hope is what you decided about the Man bleeding on the cross for you.… Read the rest
Hope is in short supply in today’s world. But let me remind you of how to overflow with hope. If you are feeling tired and having no strength; if you feel powerless and weak; hold on.… Read the rest
“Give us each day our daily bread,” is a simple prayer Jesus taught us to pray.
First of all it is a child-like prayer to God our Father in heaven.… Read the rest
Respected Judges,
A warm good morning to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The topic for today is obedience.… Read the rest
Respected judges,
A warm good morning to you all. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.… Read the rest
There is not one who does not feel anxious at some point in time. For a student it can be just before an exam; for a professional it can be some pending work or a meeting with the boss.… Read the rest
Are you facing giants in your life? They can either kill you or make you strong if you fight and conquer them.… Read the rest
A young woman in England was troubled in her mind. She felt herself unworthy to come to Jesus. A Swiss evangelist, Cesar Malan who was visiting the town told her, “Come just as you are.”… Read the rest
Open doors are everywhere. But if you don’t see them; it is simply because you are looking at the past and looking at the already closed doors!… Read the rest
Why should you be invited to life? Aren’t you living already? Or is there life beyond life as we know it?… Read the rest
“Surely the day is coming; It will burn like a furnace,” says the Bible.1 These words written by God-breathed inspiration nearly 2400 years ago is moving at the speed of light to its fearful and inescapable prophetic fulfillment.… Read the rest
“Be still” as your success mantra is easily said than done. Being still is not about switching off one’s mind and thinking; but bringing God into the driver’s seat of one’s mind.… Read the rest
Has someone hurt you bad. It might have been years since it happened. The pain hasn’t gone away; has it? Is there anything beyond counselling help and the support of friends?… Read the rest
Do you know the good news?
Jesus came to bleed and die on the cross.
He died in your place taking your punishment upon him.… Read the rest
A while ago someone rang the doorbell in my house. But no music was heard. It was not faulty but there was no electric supply.… Read the rest
We have, it seems, an in-built microscope which magnifies problems to make them look bigger than they really are. Let us look at some simple steps to zoom them out to normal sizes.… Read the rest
Popular preaching or sermons puts you in the centre, makes you feel good, and tells you that God is going to solve your problems and bless you.… Read the rest
If I were to tell you, “I will not forget you,” the chances are that I will. Life is busy and when other priorities get the upper hand, you will soon be forgotten once you are out of my sight.… Read the rest
There is great power in belief, especially the belief, “I Can!” And there is great danger too in the belief that faith in “I Can” is a kind of a magic wand that can bring rabbits out of an empty hat.… Read the rest
What comes first to your mind when you think of God? This is no chicken first or egg first question. If you do an opinion poll, the results would surprise you.… Read the rest
“Search me, O God, and know my heart,” is a prayer that should rise out of every sincere heart. There are several possibilities of this prayer.… Read the rest
Victors, even when they have seasons of doubt, never yield to despair. Their attitude is not that of a defeatist one but one of a champion, a winner or a victor.… Read the rest
When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a word of comfort; isn’t it?… Read the rest
You might be suffering from guilt. Now how can your guilt be taken away? Will due punishment take it away? It cannot!… Read the rest
Sometimes you feel all alone. You lose hope. There is nothing but despair.
But before you give up, consider: Night and darkness do not stay permanent.… Read the rest
If you are young and probably in your teens, life can turn difficult from being rosy as quickly as lights are switched off.… Read the rest
Times have changed. Centuries have passed by. Empires have risen and fallen. From the man who walked all the way; we have come to a point when man travels to Space as a tourist.… Read the rest