Look to Jesus for he is your Saviour, compassionate, merciful and tender-hearted.
Look to Jesus for he will never forsake you; or anyone who has put trust in him.
Look to Jesus for he will light up your path ahead with wisdom and guidance you need.
Look to Jesus for there is no other friend who will stick closer to you like he does.
Look to Jesus for when you fail and falter and when you lose hope in life, he is there to lift you up and strengthen your heart with his Almighty Presence.
Look to Jesus, fix your eyes on him, and look steadily at him for it is when you focus on others or circumstances your heart is hit with disappointment and fear often.
Look to Jesus for he is your peace no matter what you are going through; for the punishment that brought us peace fell on him on the cross where he bled and died for you!
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Look to Jesus, title inspired by Hebrews 12:2 Bible