When Jesus comes back it will be like a flash of lightning. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Those who are ready will be taken; others left behind.
The dead in Christ will rise first. Along with them believers living at the time of Jesus’ coming in the clouds will then be caught up in the air to be with the Lord for ever. Others will be left behind.
The second coming of Jesus will be a sudden coming. Without warning, when people least expect him, he will come like a thief in the night.
So be ready. Look forward to the glorious hope of the second coming of Jesus. Or else you’ll be left behind.
The second coming of Jesus will be a majestic coming. His first coming was as a humble child born in a manger. But this time he will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and as Judge of the living and the dead. And his coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, will initiate events that will lead to final and inescapable judgement.
So be ready. Look forward to the glorious hope of the second coming of Jesus. Or else you’ll be left behind
The second coming of Jesus will be like a bridegroom coming. Jesus is coming to gather to him his bride. That includes all those who have believed in him so that they all shall be with him forever. And if you find yourself in this great gathering of multitudes in the skies; then know that it was out of his everlasting love for you that Jesus shed his blood on the cross for you.
So be ready. Look forward to the glorious hope of the second coming of Jesus. Or else you’ll be left behind.
And if you are left behind the world cannot offer you any hope for the world from then on will witness great trouble and tribulation as never ever before seen in the history of this world.
But till Jesus comes again, he expects you to be busy doing your work faithfully; the work he has called you to do. He is coming at an unknown hour and an unexpected time and let him not find you lazy and oppressing others. For there will be judgement on all such.
So be ready. Look forward to the glorious hope of the second coming of Jesus. Or else you’ll be left behind.
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“Look, he is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him;
and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him.
So shall it be! Amen.” — Revelation 1:7 Bible NIV 1984.
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Featured image: Photo by Sasanka Tejomurthula on Unsplash