The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead means three things for you:
One, the certainty of hope of life after death.
Jesus, by rising from the dead dispelled all doubts as to the certainty of life after death for all who believe in him.
It proved that he is the author of life as he claimed to be.
Two, he gifts peace to those who trust in him.
It is peace with God as your sins are washed away by his precious blood shed on the cross.
The punishment of your sins was fully laid on him that you might not bear them anymore.
Three, the assurance of his presence with you.
Jesus has promised to be with you as you walk through the difficulties and troubles of day-to-day living.
He stands by you not just as your Saviour, not just as Lord of the living and the dead, but as your trusted Friend!
Fear no more. Let joy rise in your heart. Jesus lives, now and forever.
And that means the certainty of hope, the gift of his peace, and the assurance of his nearness and presence with you always.

Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow
Listen to more joyous songs on the resurrection.
Nativity Scenes and Songs by Daniela B. Peter and Stefan B. Peter
Featured Image Courtesy: Serafima Lazarenko (Unsplash)