Of all the lessons you’ve taught me,
There is one that has remained
My favourite:
Finish strong!
Life is full of beginnings,
Second chances,
And starting all over again
To pursue your goal.
In all this,
Keep your eyes on the finishing tape,
Never let your eyes wander,
But focus on the finishing line.
There is reward at the end,
Not for running along with others,
But for finishing well,
And finishing strong.
Therefore do not yield to despair,
Do not give up hope,
Even when the winds blow against,
And progress seems slow.
There are others who have finished
The race ahead of you.
They are cheering you like a cloud of witnesses
From all around.
Look at their faith,
Learn from their perseverance,
They finished strong in spite of troubles and trials;
For they endured the race,
Looking steadily at the Invisible One,
The Rewarder of those who finish strong!
Other Poems:
All My Wasted Years O God to Your Hands I Give
A Short Prayer: When My Heart Is Broken
In His Eyes I Saw That Look Of Love’s Gentle Light