Christmas is celebrated with singing of carols. At this time, a compere finds it a joyful experience to inspire audiences with the various tones, colours, and emotions of Christmas.
Presented here is the script for compering 7 great songs of Christmas. Take note that in the examples, the background of the song’s message is presented quickly and then what it means to us today is refreshingly explained.
As is characteristic of all good communication each compere segment has an Intro (the introduction which captures attention), an Inspire (the body which illuminates the inspiration that the song brings to us), and The Invite (the conclusion which persuades people to listen to the song with their hearts and minds as well)!
Song #1
Silent Night, Holy Night
[Intro:] Good Evening one and all. We are gathered here to remember the birth of Jesus Christ who left the glory of heaven to become fully human like one of us.
[Inspire:] No other birth had ever brought heaven so close to the earth; with music divine and light so glorious and bright parting the darkness. The glory shone and the message “Do not be afraid” rang out loud and clear. With angels singing and shepherds watching, the peaceful Christmas tidings of joy for all people at the birth of the Son of God was proclaimed.
[The Invite:] Here, the choir presents to you the all time greatest, the favourite song of Christmas across cultures and boundaries; “Silent Night, Holy Night.”
Song #2
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
[Intro:] Angel voices are rarely heard. Yet one night long time ago in Bethlehem a great company of angels proclaimed glory to the new-born King.
[Inspire:] Its resonance is heard in countless hearts and homes even today. The wonder of the virgin birth of Jesus, the marvel of Immanuel–God with us, the amazing story of God and sinners being reconciled are all brought to us through this song. In its final sweep it raises our thoughts to the Sun of Righteousness who has risen for us with healing in his wings; to bring hope to us that those who trust in Jesus need not find death the end but a beginning; for they’ll live with God for ever.
[The Invite:] Enjoy the popular song, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” which captures the reality of Christmas in one brilliant snapshot.
Song #3
O Come, All Ye Faithful
[Intro:] So many people miss the joy of Christmas because they can’t think anything spectacular about a child lying in a manger.
[Inspire:] Yet hear the prophetic voice of Isaiah, who had a quick glimpse into the greatness of this child 7 centuries before the birth of Christ. He penned these immortal and majestic words: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” The song, “O Come, all ye faithful,” is a call to come and adore the King of angels; it is a call to come and bless the Lord who came to save us; it is a call to worship God with songs of triumph.
[The Invite:] Therefore come, let us with one glad accord adore this child, none other than Christ the Lord.
Song #4
Joy to the World; the Lord Is Come!
[Intro:] When God pours forth his joy; he does so like a dam bursting. No one can contain the flooding and swelling of joy in one’s heart.
[Inspire:] Such joy is experienced by all those who find their sins forgiven; and hearts washed clean by the blood of the Lamb of God shed on the cross. They can then sing along with angels joyous notes and experience what the song says: “fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, Repeat the sounding joy.” Yes, dear friends, it is when our hearts are filled with the joy of God that we find nature too exploding with joy. This lovely song compels us to prepare our hearts and make room to receive the King at Christmas.
[The Invite:] So let us with heaven and nature sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come!”
Song #5
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
[Intro:] The first announcement of Christmas came to the shepherds watching over their flocks by night. They were not told this good news because they were poor or marginalized in society. There was a greater reason.
[Inspire:] It was that they were taking care of the flock meant for sacrifice. To them the good news came that no more animal sacrifices are needed; for the Lamb of God has come to take away the sins of the world by his once for all sacrifice. This first announcement of the Christmas message reminds us that God stepped into human history just like any one of us; as a child. But it was no ordinary child who lay in a manger; but the Saviour of the world; Christ the Lord. Let us therefore with the heavenly choir of angels relive that first Christmas night when the glory of the Lord shone around the shepherds.
[The Invite:] Listen now to “While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night.”
Song #6
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
[Intro:] Some moments are etched in gold in our minds. More so when it is accompanied by music that no mortals can sing.
[Inspire:] This song is set against the backdrop of the sad and lowly plains of this earth and its confusion of sounds. Above this noise, through parted skies comes to us the heavenly music floating over this weary world. Let us stop the empty noises that we make; let us stop our quarrelling and listen to the love song the angels bring even as they sing at the midnight clear. Yes, this song tells us about the sadness of man at war with each other and having no time to listen to the glorious song of angels.
[The Invite:] Yet the song, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” ends with the great hope that someday a golden age would dawn when the whole world would give back the song which now the angels sing.
Song #7
The First Noel the Angel Did Say
[Intro:] This melodious song talks of the first Christmas (Noel) on a cold winter’s night.
[Inspire:] Though the birth of Christ was first announced to shepherds, slowly the song narrates how wise men from the east saw the shining star and followed it to find the King–the King of Israel. They followed the star and found where Jesus was and worshipped him with gifts. These men were forerunners of all who would come to worship him from the ends of the earth. The song ends with a forward look to the time when all with one voice will sing praises to God because Jesus redeemed man from his sins by shedding his blood on the cross.
[The Invite:] Come on, let us celebrate the movement of God’s salvation from its first angelic announcement to the day all shall praise him from the ends of the earth. Tune your hearts to “The First Noel the Angel Did Say.”
The Crescendo
Compere’s Concluding Remarks
Ladies and Gentlemen, the world has had only one true Lover. He so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son to save man from all his sins. Yes, the deep longing for forgiveness and peace with God is the need of the hour. When that happens, the joy of Christmas will ring out loud and clear as songs of joy and triumph, and as melodies of love and peace. And one day with angels numbering countless ten thousands upon ten thousands, our tongues too shall proclaim aloud the praises of God our Saviour, Redeemer and Friend. The songs we heard tonight are just a curtain-raiser to that great day and event.
Hope you enjoyed the songs presented here tonight. May the peace of God guard your hearts as you leave this auditorium and let angels accompany your going out. Wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Thank you, one and all.

Christmas @ St. Thomas Residential School 2019; Daniela B. Peter and Stefan B. Peter Compere
Joyous Songs on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Blessed Hope
Meaningful Songs on the Cross of Jesus That Can Help You Find Strength in God
Uplifting Songs of Hope, God’s Love, Help, and Care for You!