When your future looks uncertain and no one seems to be in a situation to help you; look to this promise of God for strength and encouragement.
It has remained a favourite with me ever since an elderly priest gave a short sermon on this promise while visiting our home at a very difficult time during my college days years ago.
“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.1“
Since you have such a precious promise to hold on to, remind yourself that God has chosen you and not rejected you. You belong to him and no power in the entire universe can snatch you out of his Almighty hand.
Again, remind yourself to focus on God and not your problems. God is bigger than all your troubles. Listen to his affirmation that he is with you. What an assurance that is. He, like a loving Father, a faithful brother, a true friend stays by your side at all times. Therefore do not fear nor be dismayed.
Be assured that when your strength runs out, God will strengthen you. When all other help fails, God will help you. He will uphold you. It is only when you hold on to God there is a chance that you’ll let go of his hand. But when God is upholding you, there is no fear of him letting you slip and fall.
Yes my friend, even as doubts cloud your mind as to whether this promise is as true as it sounds, clutch on to it like a drowning man clutches the life jacket thrown at him.
When God makes a promise his word itself is its guarantee that he will make it good and prove it true. Just believe it, hold on to it, and put your entire weight on it. The promise stands with the ring of authority of God surrounding it. May you find the promise true in your life even as I have found it true in mine. Amen!
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1 — Isaiah 41:10 Bible NIV