You can compere to your heart’s content and your audience’s delight as you follow these 7 steps:
#1. Believe You Can!
Think of the opportunity to compere as joy. Never believe the lie that you can’t do it. Of course, there will always be people who might be able to do better than you; but you still can leave a mark. The confidence that you can definitely do it is going to make a huge impact in your performance on stage as far as compering is concerned. So believe the best about yourself and step confidently on stage.
#2. Write a Compere-Script
As no one will attempt to construct a building without having a plan or blue print with them; no one should attempt to do compering without preparing a script. Whether you read from the script or not is a question of lesser importance. Write down everything. The actual introduction, the lines inviting the speakers, the thank you notes in between, and so on you plan to use during compering. Leave nothing to chance. Also remember to leave blank spaces in between as well as in the margins to jot down last minute changes in the programme. A person who attempts to do compering without a script is yet again like a soldier going to war without weapons!
#3. Be Enthusiastic
The joy of fielding was once made known to the world by a former cricket player from South Africa, Jonty Rhodes. He made what was a routine part of the game into a highly developed art. Similarly, you can raise the level of compering to great heights by your great enthusiasm as Jonty Rhodes did with fielding. The way you walk on stage, your gestures, your voice; and in short everything you do should pulsate with enthusiasm. Then the crowd will surely catch the fire of your enthusiasm when you compere.
#4. Maintain Good Eye Contact
The eyes can communicate a whole range of emotions and can reflect the inner state of a person quite sharply too. So use your eyes to communicate an exuberant mood while compering. Let your eyes scan the entire audience. Do not get stuck up looking at the imagined balcony or looking at blank walls. Instead make everybody feel included with your eyes with a wide sweep across the audience.
#5. Vary Your Voice
Some people tell. Others shout. Some others are full of big-sounding words. Some others whisper on stage. The point is not whether one method is correct or not; the point is that there should be a rich variety in your voice. When inviting the chief guest to inaugurate the Seminar your voice should communicate that seriousness; while announcing a popular rocking song or dance in a Reality Show your voice should communicate excitement and the upbeat mood to create anticipation. Whatever be the situation, clarity of words is a must.
#6. Make Them Feel Good
A compere’s role is not to highlight how intelligent, knowledgeable or a wizard of words he or she is. Anyone who sets out to do so is inviting the wrath of the audience. The compere is someone who draws least attention to himself or herself . Instead his or her role is to turn the spotlight on someone else all the time. Your words, gestures, and other actions on stage should all help in magnifying the person or group you are talking about. It is then that the audience learns to better appreciate those people or the action that is happening on stage.
#7. Smile All the Way
It is not your fabulous dress or make-up or ornaments that is going to win the day for you. Neither are the words that you use going to help much; though words are needed. The greatest asset for a compere is his or her smile. These days people are fed up with cosmetic smiles that are artificial. Be genuine with the crowds. Then the smile from your heart will light up all the world with hope while you compere!
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