A young woman in England was troubled in her mind. She felt herself unworthy to come to Jesus. A Swiss evangelist, Cesar Malan who was visiting the town told her, “Come just as you are.” But she was not willing then to come to Jesus. It was only 12 years later that those five simple words would impact her.
She became invalid and was confined to her room. And then one night in 1834 the burden of the lost condition of her heart and soul became unbearable and she, Charlotte Elliott, thinking on those five words, “Come just as you are” came to Jesus.
She simply came with her sense of unworthiness and uselessness. That night she wrote the words of the hymn Just as I am. She said in that hymn that she was coming to Jesus not because of any claim she had to make. Instead, she was trusting the blood of Jesus the Lamb of God which was shed for her and his invitation to come to him. She said that she was not trying to clean herself but instead she was coming to the blood of Jesus which can cleanse all dark spots.
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bid’st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, and waiting not
to rid my soul of one dark blot,
to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
My dear friend, would you like to come to Jesus today? Bring your sins, your guilt, your shame, your sense of unworthiness; bring it all to him. He has not only invited you to come, but he is also eagerly waiting to see you return to him. Will you come? Will you return to his love today?
See, God’s love is not about emotions. But it is practical and sacrificial. He showed his love for you on the cross where Jesus bled and died for you. This is the central truth in all human history.
You have to look to the cross and the blood of Jesus to come to God. There is no other way. It is a narrow way. Many people reject this way because they want a way to God which is easy and popular and based on their own goodness.
But there is no other way to God. For the Bible says, in Hebrews 9 and verse 22 “and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (NIV) And again, the night before he was crucified, Jesus said, in Matthew 26 and verse 28, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
Yes, the blood of Jesus has tremendous power to cleanse and to forgive. Because it is sinless blood;
because it is innocent blood;
because it is the blood of the Son of God fully and willingly surrendered to his Father’s will;
because it was poured out as sacrifice to the very last drop;
and because it speaks words of forgiveness even today,
it has in it the power to cleanse and forgive all your sins.
There is not one sin in your life, however great and evil it is, that the blood of Jesus cannot wash clean.
Your every secret sin, every act of disobedience, every act of rebellion against God; all their bright red scarlet stain can be washed as white as snow in the blood of Jesus. Just come to him with a sincere and broken heart; ready to turn away from evil and darkness to the light of God.
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In 1 John Chapter 1 verse 7, the Bible says, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (NKJV). “And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” My dear friend, there is cleansing power in the blood of Jesus.
The one thing you need to do is to walk in the light. Do not run away from God when the Spirit of God convicts you of sin in your life. Like King David, agree with what the Spirit of God is showing you and say, humbly say, “I have sinned against the LORD.”
When you thus confess your sins before God, the Bible says in 1 John Chapter 1 verse 9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Let me read that again: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So, you can find forgiveness with God and cleansing from all your sins by the blood of Jesus.
You can come again and again to the blood of Jesus every single time you become conscious of a wrong thought, a bad word, or a sinful action from your side. For the blood of Jesus is a cleansing fountain as said in Zechariah Chapter 13 and verse 1. You cannot exhaust its cleansing flow and power.
Therefore, do not hesitate to wash yourself in the blood of the Lamb of God. Yes, do not hesitate to wash yourself in the blood of the Lamb of God. That is the only way you can enter the holy presence of God. In fact the Bible says in Hebrews Chapter 10 verse 19 that we can have confidence to enter the presence of God in the most holy place in heaven by the blood of Jesus. With boldness and freedom, we can definitely enter the presence of God by the blood of Jesus.
It further invites us to draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. That means you need not doubt. God will welcome you for sure when you come to his presence through the blood of Jesus. This is the significance of the curtain of the temple being torn in two; from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross.
For the blood of Jesus removes all barriers and opens the way for you to come to the presence of God. The door in heaven is open for you. The curtain, the body of Jesus, was broken for you. So come boldly; come with boldness and with confidence that Jesus your high priest in heaven is bringing you near to God by his precious blood shed on the cross of Calvary.
Yes, the blood of Jesus has permanently opened a new and living way for you to approach God. Do not hesitate when you become conscious of sin. The moment you realize you have sinned; come to God confessing your sin and be cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus makes it possible for you to have access to God at all times.
Do you find it unbelievable? Then think on what Pastor Stuart Silvester had to say about this. He once had a conversation with a friend of his who frequently flew his small private plane in and out of Toronto International Airport. He asked the pilot if he ever faced problems taking off and landing a small craft at an airport that was dominated by so many large jets. His friend responded, “My plane may be small, but I have the same rights, the same privileges, and the same access to that airport as anyone else—even the jumbo jets!” “the same access to that airport as anyone else
Yes my dear friend; don’t think yourself small or insignificant when you to come to God through the blood of Jesus. You have equal access to the throne of grace just like any giant of faith you might know. You are always welcome to go to God crying out Abba Father, crying out My Dearest Daddy, through the Spirit of God dwelling in your heart.
So draw near to God now. For the blood of Jesus has the power to make you stand before God having your past wiped clean. Come to God with a heart that is truthfully and sincerely hurt by all your sinful attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions. Ask God to help you turn away from all that is wrong in your life. The Bible calls that repentance, and it is godly sorrow that leads you to repentance.
Isn’t it sad that you still trust in your self-righteousness? Now what does that mean? You think by going to church regularly, by prayer and Bible reading, by giving tithes, by your church traditions, by your good deeds, by going on a pilgrimage, doing penance, and so on you can earn access to God. Impossible. It is your pride that makes you think so. The cross of Jesus is where man’s pride ends. No one can come to God except through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.
So humble yourself before God. The Bible says in Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 7, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.” “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.” The Bible says again in 1 Peter Chapter 1 verses 18 and 19 that we were redeemed not with perishable things such as silver and gold “but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” “but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot.”
The sacrifice of Jesus was costly. As I mentioned earlier, Hebrews Chapter 9 verse 22 says, “And without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” The blood of Jesus has purchased your pardon and freedom. There is absolutely nothing in you or your possessions with which you can clear the debt that you owe God to clear you from all your sins. Only the blood of Jesus redeems. So come to this cleansing fountain now itself.
When you do so, God justifies you. For the Bible says in Romans Chapter 5 verse 9: “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him.” “Since we have now been justified by his blood.” Now what does it mean? It means that God will not count your sins against you. In simple terms, it means you have a clean new beginning in your life; a brand new beginning in your life. It means that as God looks at you through the lens of the blood of Jesus, it is as if you never ever sinned.
Dr. Warren Wiersbe talks about Dr. Roy Gustafson who has the finest illustration of justification he has ever heard. It seems that there was a man in England who put his Rolls-Royce on a boat and went across to the continent to go on a holiday. While he was driving around Europe, something happened to the motor of his car. He cabled the Rolls-Royce people back in England and asked, “I’m having trouble with my car; what do you suggest I do?” Well, the Rolls-Royce people flew a mechanic over! The mechanic repaired the car and flew back to England and left the man to continue his holiday.
As you can imagine, the fellow was wondering, “How much is this going to cost me?” So when he got back to England, he wrote the people a letter and asked how much he owed them. He received a letter from the office that read: “Dear Sir: There is no record anywhere in our files that anything ever went wrong with a Rolls-Royce.” “Dear Sir: There is no record anywhere in our files that anything ever went wrong with a Rolls-Royce.” That is justification!
It results in you having peace with God. In Romans Chapter 5 and verse 1 we read, “Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is “through faith in his blood” as is made clear in Romans 3 and 25. So if you trust in the blood of Jesus, God’s anger against you is turned away from you because of Jesus’ blood. Romans 3:25 is a very important verse which specifically mentions the object of faith which saves. That is faith in the blood of Jesus is what saves. Many non-believers accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, a divine healer, a worker of miracles, and a powerful prophet. That is all true. But that kind of faith is not enough to save. What saves you from eternal hell is your faith in his blood! So come to this cleansing fountain of blood and find peace with God.
And he will heal your wounds which were caused by sin. The Bible says in Isaiah Chapter 53, “the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” He will also restore you to friendship with God. For, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. All the sin of the world was placed on Jesus the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world. Why? To reconcile us to God. It simply means that through the blood of Jesus, God is telling you and me, “I will be friends with you.” Will you believe that? Come to the cleansing fountain of the blood of Jesus.
When you trust his blood for your salvation, sin that separated you and God is removed. The shame and guilt of sin is also taken away. That brings you into close connect and fellowship with God. Instead of enmity with God, there will be peace with God.
God has also brought you out from Satan’s dominion and darkness and evil and given you the power to lead a life that becomes increasingly holy. See, Jesus took the punishment for sins that should have come upon you and me on his body broken on the cross, to set us free! Does that mean we will never sin again. Not at all. But the blood of Jesus puts in our heart a new attitude which hates sin and evil.
In spite of that, a sinless life might not be possible, for we all sin against God from time to time knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore we need repeated cleansing by the blood of Jesus from day to day and moment by moment. So when you allow the blood of Jesus to operate in your life and submit to the powerful influence of this cleansing fountain, there will be a gradual dying to all the wrong desires as God gives you a stronger desire to be holy like him. In Hebrews 13 verse 12 we read: “So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood.” The Bible calls this sanctification. It is the process by which we consistently turn away from all that is evil and become increasingly holy in our lives.
Sanctification refers to the moment by moment cleansing we all need through the blood of Jesus. Imagine you taking a walk on the road. When you come back home even though you didn’t deliberately touch any dirt, lot of dust and other matter will have accumulated in your body mixed with your sweat; isn’t it? Likewise as we live in the world things we happen to see and hear defile our mind and spirit.
Often this defilement discourages us. Then we need to consciously seek the cleansing through the blood of Jesus. We also need to separate ourselves from all known sin in our lives. And then there are matters that make our consciences unclean. We may not be aware of all that. Yet if we consciously seek the cleansing by the blood of Jesus he will do it for you.
After mentioning about the outward cleansing achieved through the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those ceremonially unclean in Old Testament times, the writer points out the inward sanctification as well: “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.” Hebrews Chapter 9 verse 14. Let me read that again for you. “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.”
How does sanctification happen in your life? Let us listen to what Jesus said in John Chapter 6 verses 53 to 57, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.” Even the disciples of Jesus who listened to him say this found this a hard teaching and they were offended. So what does this mean?
Drinking his blood simply means that we allow the blood of Jesus to have an unrestrained and unrestricted influence in our lives. When we allow that to happen, it leads us to the deepest and intimate union and closer walk we can have with God. Therefore there is a great sense of nearness to God’s presence when you go to him in prayer through the blood of Jesus. From now on, practise the presence of God through the blood of Jesus even while you work or study or play or drive your car. Thus you can always experience God near and have his joy in your life. But like that disciples even today many are offended by the mention of the blood of Jesus. It certainly is not popular.
And when you allow the blood of Jesus to have an unrestrained and unrestricted influence in your life, you also have victory through the blood of Jesus. As the Book of Revelation Chapter 12 verse 11 says, “they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb.” That means there is victory over sin and Satan, and protection and deliverance from all forces of evil and darkness in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Saviour. In today’s world filled with all kinds of evil, temptations, distractions, worries and anxieties, depression and discouragement; your means of victory over all of it comes through the blood of Jesus. So look to Jesus and his shed blood on the cross. That is the banner of your victory. Wave it high.
Let me end with the story Billy Graham told of a boy who lost his way. a police officer was on night duty in a city in northern England. As he walked the streets, he heard the sound of a quivering sob. Shining his flashlight into the darkness, he saw a little boy in the shadows sitting on a doorstep with tears running down his cheeks. The child said, “I’m lost. Please take me home.” “I’ll be glad to take you home. Where do you live?” the officer replied. But the little boy was so tired and so scared that he couldn’t remember his address. The policeman began naming street after street, trying to help the boy remember where he lived. He named the shops and the hotels in the area but the little boy could give him no clue. Then he remembered that at the centre of the town stood a church with a large white cross that towered high above the rest of the city. The policeman pointed to the cross and said, “Do you live anywhere near that place?” The little boy’s face immediately brightened up. He said, “Yes, sir. Take me to the cross and I can find my way home.”
This day let me point you to the cross and the blood Jesus shed there for you. That is the only way home to God and to heaven and to life eternal.
The blood of Jesus shed on the cross has the power to cleanse you from all your sins.
The blood of Jesus sanctifies you by giving you power to live a holy life.
The blood of Jesus redeems you by delivering you from the power of Satan and darkness and evil.
The blood of Jesus justifies you giving you a clean brand new beginning in life
The blood of Jesus heals you especially from the brokenness of your heart caused by sin.
The blood of Jesus gives you access 24 x 7 to the throne of grace in God’s presence.
The blood of Jesus gives you victory in your fight with the world, with your sinful nature and with the devil.
The blood of Jesus gives you protection from the evil one.
And the blood of Jesus reconciles you with God and let you be friends with him.
So come to the Lamb of God. Wash your robes white in the blood of the Lamb and as recorded in Revelation Chapter 5 sing the praises of heaven saying:
“Because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise.”
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power for ever and ever.” Amen!