You need not be a millionaire to make people happy. You can simply make a difference by saying a timely word.
Let your timely word come straight from the heart. In other words, let it be sincere. The words “Children are enjoying your class,” are simple and down to earth. But the happiness it can bring to a teacher’s heart is immense.
To say a timely word, you should learn to appreciate others. It is simply an expression of your genuine wish to see others do well and succeed. “You sounded very confident when you gave your speech today,” will boost the speaker’s confidence and esteem still further. Without doubt it will make him or her happy. And you need not be a millionaire to do so.
Finally, saying a timely word can be that ray of hope which can illumine the darkness in a person’s life. Often God uses people to say a few words that might give others much needed wisdom and guidance at that point in time. “Don’t get discouraged. Your failure today can turn out to a blessing in disguise,” is an example of your timely word becoming a blazing torch of hope to someone ready to give up.
Let me conclude. You can live a life of purpose by speaking a timely word. Speak straight from your heart, appreciate with sincere words, and be a tool in God’s hands to light up the hearts of others with happiness. And let me remind you once again that you need not be a millionaire to spread happiness all around, wherever you are!
JOY Is a Gift; Happiness an Attitude!
2 Minute Speech for School Children on the Pursuit of Happiness
“A man finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”
— Proverbs 15:23 Bible NIV 1984.