This Day Choose

This Day Choose to be positive in spite of setbacks and disappointments that have come your way.
This Day Choose to lend a helping hand to someone who needs your presence or encouraging words even when you are hurting within.
This Day Choose hope even when all your circumstances make it look like you are alone without help in a desert.
Blood Jesus Cleanse
This Day Choose to stand with the truth though it is painful even when it seems easy to speak a lie and get away with it.
This Day Choose to show mercy to others about whom many are speaking slander and gossip.
This Day Choose to love your loved ones even when they are unlovable in their attitudes, words, and actions.Yes, it is all a choice.
We choose to love God or reject him. We choose to bless with our words or wound with our tongue. We choose life or we choose death with the choices we make. We choose what is of the earth and passing away or we choose what is eternal and lasting forever. 
If we don’t choose; we do by habit what we chose the first time when confronted with choices. So change your choices.
Thus change your habits. Thereby, change your life and destiny.

Featured image courtesy: Photo by Ahmed ツ on Pexels
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