Sunday Sermonettes | How to Get Your Heart’s Desires God’s Way

Sunday Sermonettes #016

The Promise

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 Bible).

That is an exciting promise. No limits. It simply states that God will give you the desires of your heart. When God’s Word says so, you can put your confidence in it because God always keeps his part of the promise made. As you look at this promise you find God’s part as well as your role in it. God will give, but you have to delight in him.
Blood Jesus Cleanse

God First

In simple words, it means you should not put the cart before the horse. You have to put God first in your life. In all things. It is then that God becomes the delight of your heart.

When your thoughts revolve around God most of the time; he becomes the delight of your heart. This is a simple way of saying it. But it can become a start pointing. Start thinking about God and his everlasting love for you. Think of God sending his Son Jesus to bleed and die on the cross for you. Think of his forgiving love towards you.

Love for God

Delighting in God is all about love for him. He simply desires you to love him “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Love for God and delighting in him go hand in hand.

Again, try to express your love to God. Start to praise him. Just thank him that he has been good to you. Maybe you have gone through great troubles in life. You feel a grudge against God for the bad things that have happened. Still, make a try to tell God that you love him.

It might seem like offering God bits and pieces of a broken toy. But he accepts them all from you because you are genuinely trying to express your love. He accepts it from you as a loving father would accept it from a little child.

Talk to God

If you persist in expressing your love for God and try to talk with him; then over a period of time, God works in your heart. Be honest with God when you talk with him. Bring all your desires to him. And tell him all that is in your heart. He listens to all that you say and even what you do not say. Your heart is an open book before him; so are all your thoughts too. So he knows it all.

When you delight in God, that is when you put God first, something happens. That means you don’t fight with God about your desires. You don’t quarrel with him over it. You just tell him whatever is in your mind.

When God’s Desires Become Your Desires

During this process, God gets the chance to help you understand what his mind is about the desires you have. He will, through different people or situations but mainly through words of the Bible, speak to you. And he will show you what is best or wrong about your desires. And you get a chance to align yourselves with the best that God desires in your life. It is like having the sail of a boat catch the wind.

Then God’s desires for you become your desires. And he will give you the desires of your heart. So delight yourself in the LORD, Let him be first in your life. It will exclude and put to death every evil and sinful desire; and the temptation to do wrong that comes to your mind.

The Cleansing Blood of Jesus

And then when your heart is free of all darkness and is filled with God’s light, there is no limit to God fulfilling the desires of your heart. You might wonder how your heart can be rid of evil! Is that even possible? Yes, it is possible if you ask God to wash you clean by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for you. The power and effectiveness of the blood of Jesus is overwhelmingly real.

Yes, when you delight in God, he will fulfil the desires of your heart. Isn’t that like one blank cheque given you to draw from the unlimited resources of God?

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