A day will soon come when Jesus will call the dead to life. And those who hear his voice will come back to life. Yes, life will come forth from ashes and people will awake and rise from the dust.
What is the meaning of this? And how does it apply to you?
One, God’s ultimate plan for you is life, not death. That means death is not The End but a new beginning with God whom you’ll see face to face. Therefore those who trust in Jesus and die are in their sleep and will rise one day. The time between death and new life will seem to them like the twinkling of an eye.
Yes, life will come forth from ashes and people will awake and rise from the dust.
Two, God does not forsake any who trust in him. When he says, no one will snatch you out of my hand1, it means that no evil force or death can wrest you away from his love and out of his mighty hand. There is an eternal security you can find in God alone. Yes, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” 2
Yes, life will come forth from ashes and people will awake and rise from the dust.
Three, God will wipe away your tears. It is true that there is brokenness of all sorts in your life. It is true that you despair at times. It is true that you feel forsaken by God in certain moments. But hold on to life and believe that his life is at work in your life—it is life that death has no hold on and which it cannot touch. One day, God will reward you for being true and faithful to him in the midst of your tough times.
Yes, life will come forth from ashes and people will awake and rise from the dust.
Therefore my friend, look beyond your present difficulties and troubles. “Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”3 There is glory beyond the grave. Be courageous in your tough times and hold on to God for the Spirit of God shall give you strength. Oh, what a joyous day it’ll be when you meet God face to face and be with him for ever and ever!
1John 10:28 Bible
2 Deuteronomy 33:27a Bible NIV 1984
3 Colossians 3:3 Bible