Why should you be invited to life? Aren’t you living already? Or is there life beyond life as we know it?… Read the rest
God’s Gift of Jesus to Us Is Christmas
Christmas is God coming near to you in Jesus.
For God so loved the world and you.
He became human.
And made his home among us.… Read the rest
And He Will Be Called
He came to save people from their sins. No other person has ever addressed this basic need of men and women.… Read the rest
Nativity Scenes and Songs by Daniela B. Peter and Stefan B. Peter
Christmas is the story of God’s great love for all people. No one is excluded. Christmas is the true story of God becoming man and being one among us.… Read the rest
But Why? Is the Question Christmas Answers!
God did not give up on man when he rebelled aginst him. Instead God sent his one and only Son Jesus to this world; born a baby in a manger in Bethlehem.… Read the rest
Santa Claus Is Not Christmas!
Santa Claus is not Christmas. In fact Santa Claus has hijacked the true meaning of Christmas.
Santa Claus is the commercial reason1 for Christmas celebrations.… Read the rest
Christmas Is for Failures Like You and Me
Many miss Christmas because they think it is a festive season. When in fact it is God’s treasure hunt for failures like you and me.… Read the rest
Christmas Tree–Its Meaning and Message of Life!
A tree has always been a symbol of life. It has become more so after Jesus died on a wooden cross.… Read the rest
Radio Talk: The Spirit of Christmas as Seen in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol
Talk for All India Radio, Thiruvananthapuram.
Broadcast on Christmas Day 2015.
Radio Talk: The Spirit of Christmas as Seen in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol PDF
The famous novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens captures the spirit of Christmas in a memorable way.… Read the rest
Radio Talk: The Hope of Christmas
Talk for Yuvavani, A.I.R., Thiruvanathapuram.
First Broadcast 22nd December 2007.
Once upon a time, when Augustus Caesar ruled Rome, a star rose over a little town called Bethlehem.… Read the rest
Christmas—Joy That Never Ends!
Christmas is a beautiful time of the year. It is a time we remember the birth of Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem two thousand years ago.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech on the Meaning of God with Us
When Jesus was born he was called Immanuel meaning God with us. Can God be so ordinary? Can God be human?… Read the rest
A Christmas Message for School Children
Respected Principal, honoured guests, beloved teachers, and my dear friends,
Good morning to one and all.
Let me first of all thank God as well as the Principal of the School for giving me this opportunity to speak to you on Christmas.… Read the rest
1 Minute Welcome Speech and Christmas Message (Kindergarten)
Christmas Message
Respected Dignitaries, teachers, parents and my dear friends,
A warm good morning to one and all.
Christmas is a beautiful time of the year when we remember the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.… Read the rest
Christmas Is the Joy of Lost and Found! Is That Someone You?
Have you ever been lost somewhere in a crowd? And you had to wait anxiously for someone to come and find you out.… Read the rest
2 Minute Speech for Children on The Star of Christmas!
There is something about stars that make us look up. They are from above and are far away. They are heavenly and they kindle hope in us when seen in the night skies.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech for Children on The Gift of Christmas!
Children love gifts. They look forward to receive gifts during this time of the year. In fact, it is this sense of expectation that makes Christmas special.… Read the rest
Christmas–the Story of God’s Search for You and Me!
Have you ever wondered what the story that is told every Christmas is?
It is the story of Someone who came searching for you and me.… Read the rest
A Simple Speech on Christmas
This is a time of the year when people are singing all around the world. We hear many songs like Silent night, holy night; and Joy to the world.… Read the rest
Angels Seen Says Reporter
Imaginary reporting for TV Channel when Augustus Caesear ruled Rome:
Timeline: Between B.C. 6 and B.C. 4
“Angelic activity on a scale never known before was reported around midnight at the open fields outside Bethlehem.… Read the rest
Tips for Compering 7 Great Songs of Christmas
Christmas is celebrated with singing of carols. At this time, a compere finds it a joyful experience to inspire audiences with the various tones, colours, and emotions of Christmas.… Read the rest
The Hope of Christmas
Hope of a better tomorrow;
a brand new beginning in life today;
and a clean break from the failures of the past
is what Christmas is all about.… Read the rest