People without goals in life do not accomplish much. Therefore it is important to have worthy goals in life. If your goal in life is related to your passion in life, then you’ll have great enthusiasm as you work towards your goal. In this speech let me spell out 7 steps that will take you to your goal.
#1. You need to have a clear focus.
The sharper your focus is the greater chance is there for you to achieve your goal. The lives of great men and women teach us that they achieved their goals by having a sharp focus and single-minded aim.
#2. Do not postpone working towards your goal.
Each day and moment is precious. Make sure that you do some little bit each day that will take you nearer your goal. Often goals are achieved by the small efforts taken each day rather than a big effort done on a single day. There is great truth in the saying that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
#3. Know your obstacles.
There has never been any easy road to success. Every victory is achieved through “blood, toil, tears and sweat.” So first of all count the cost involved in achieving your goal. Get to know all the factors that can come against you. Then make a realistic plan to overcome each one of them.
#4. Make your goals specific.
If there is lack of clarity in the way you have defined your goals, try to make it as specific and realistic as possible. At times, you may need to narrow down your focus and prioritize the use of your time, talent and resources. Always make sure that there is an immediately doable step as you work towards your goal.
#5. Have a deadline and be accountable to someone.
Many people dream of doing some great thing in life but never get started. One reason is that they do not set a deadline to achieve their goals. It is also important that you have someone in the role of a coach or a mentor to whom you can make yourself accountable. Do a review about progress made along with him or her occasionally.
#6. Perseverance is the key to success.
Perseverance means moving towards your goal in spite of every doubt, every failure, every setback and disappointment. When setbacks come, at times it is wise to take a few steps backward and then take a giant leap forward towards your goal! Focus on finishing well. A good beginning is not good enough; greater is the ability to stick on to your purpose and being able to finish what you began to do.
#7. Above all, believe in your goal.
It is amazing how much can be achieved if you just knew and believed the truth that God has invested in you with potential far beyond you have ever dreamed of. When you achieve worthy goals your life blesses others by inspiring them to go for their goals as well. It is important that you have goals that you are motivated to achieve. If you are passionate about it, the chances are extremely high that you will achieve your goals!
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