I love you!
These are the words that has made many buds bloom, made many birds chirp and flap their wings in delight, and has painted mesmerizing loveliness in soft pastels.
I love you!
These are the words that has brought a look of starry wonder, a twinkling delight, and tears of joy to one’s eyes. It has been music to many ears and resonated back a deep sense of thankfulness at being accepted, loved, and cherished.
I love you!
These are the words that had begun a lifetime of companionship, abiding friendship, and long walks through beaches holding hands until the glowing sunset brought in the dark.
I love you!
These are the words that a mother with her first kiss on her newborn’s brow softly proclaims, a father reaffirms when he stands with you in your troubles, and a brother, sister or friend reminds by his or her prayers for you.
I love you!
These are the words that give courage when you have to climb a rocky mountain, and walk through dark valleys in starless nights, or brave the onslaught of tidal waves coming in.
I love you!
These are the words that in spite of the promise made have been broken numerous times, shattered hopes, pushed people to the edge, tore apart families, and has left behind dry and barren deserts that sigh and groan like when thorns wrench the rib cage apart.
I love you!
These are the words which many thoughtlessly proclaim when life is young and is a splash of colours; when love is just like a pleasant breeze that is scented sweet by the fragrance of roses red.
I love you!
These are the words that bloodied the cross on the hill where your Saviour bled and died; love that did not keep anything back; love the breadth and length and height and depth of which we will never understand; a love that surpasses all the knowledge of love that we will ever know on earth.
I love you!
These are words that have made countless songs, melodies and symphonies, been the theme of many epic and panoramic movies, and have initiated jealousies and wars in the hearts of men and women.
I love you!
These are words that will continue to be spoken, continue to be cherished, continue to inspire, and continue to ignite, as long as hearts are wedded in love until the skies and the earth shall be no more.
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