Time is what life is made of. Whether you play, eat, study or sleep time moves on.
You cannot store up time, you can only make best use of it. Therefore time is precious.
To make best use of time, plan your day ahead. It is best if you can plan for the next day before you go to sleep at night.
To make best use of time, prioritize the things you should do. Do important and difficult things first.
To make best use of time, make a time table and stick to it. Try your best to finish things within time allotted for them.
To make best use of time do not allow laziness, procrastination (putting off doing things for later), and mobile phones to steal time away from you.
Each night before you sleep just review all that you could do and all that you left undone. It will help you plan your time for the next day.
If you can follow these simple steps, time will be your friend and success will crown your ways.
Are You Ready to Face Your Appointed Time?
Time Is the Stuff Life Is Made of and Laziness Is the Lover That Steals It
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