It is an Organization’s unique approach to work that helps shape its culture. Building a world class culture in an Organization is like growing a tree. It will take time to send its roots deep. But once it takes hold it is firm.
Here are the seven must-haves that builds a great culture in any Organization:
A positive and vibrant culture happens only with discipline. This discipline is not imposed by rules and regulations, do’s and don’ts. This discipline is self-imposed and not enforced by force and supervision. Instead it is delivered by people who have a passion about their work and a commitment to see their work contribute to the greatness of the brand for which they work for.
Culture does not work upwards from the rank and file of an Organization. Instead it is largely determined by the leadership. It begins with a leader’s vision and values. It gathers momentum by the enthusiasm shown by the leader in creating an ambience within the Organization that is in tune with his stated purpose of the Organization’s long-term goals, strategies, career paths for employees and of course people policies. When members of the team align themselves to this; there is rapid growth and progress.
Pride and Meaning
To have a great culture, people in an Organization need to feel meaning in their work. Most of them do not care about the big picture. But they do need to be assured that their role and the work they do makes a significant contribution to the Organization. Only then will they have pride in the Organization they work for. The bottom line is that motivation to embrace culture does not depend entirely on the money one earns; but it depends more on knowing that one’s work is valued.
Freedom, Autonomy, and Responsibility
We all love freedom. And what most people hate is working for bosses who are generally not positively spoken of. An Organization which can give freedom to its employees to work can create a culture which is totally different from an Organization which functions under autocratic hierarchical structures.
Freedom does not mean that employees work randomly and totally at their will and pleasure even if it is work from home. No.
There are expected deliverables against deadlines even when work is done as self-managed teams. Leadership roles change within teams as and when required. The sense of ownership and the way members of team take up responsibility is immense when working like this.
How do you feel when the Organization keeps you knowledgeable about its progress? How do you feel when they call you for an All-Hands meet and share with you the joy of having accomplished one of your big goals? How do you feel when they inform you truthfully about reversals of fortunes and honestly tell you about some cost-cutting measures that has to be taken? The impact of communication which is clear, direct and purposeful is enormous as far as culture is concerned.
Ideas that boost brand image has to be repeatedly communicated to all within the Organization in creative ways. It will infuse members of the team with confidence and pride.
The “We” feel
Celebrations and coming together are not a waste of money. Instead it creates culture. It creates an immense and invaluable memory bank of good times together. What bonds families is the time they spent together. In the same way, Organizations which create avenues for meaningful get-together is building a rock-solid foundation for retaining their best work force in the best of good will and loyalty.
If you want me to single out one word or concept which contributes to great culture, I can answer in one word. That is purpose. It is an understanding of purpose that gives an Organization the reason for its existence. It is an earnest belief in purpose that helps an Organization endure difficult times and come through crises stronger and vibrant than ever before.
It is purpose that determines what business to do and what not to pursue. It is purpose that enables employees to avoid distractions and focus on what is meaningful and absolutely essential. In fact, Organizations thrive when purpose permeates their thinking, attitudes, communication, habits and action.
Let me conclude, whether it is consciously understood or not, every Organization has got a culture. It becomes “Good to Great” when its impact is felt positively and purposefully by all who come in touch with it.
You can read 7 Must-Haves to Build a World Class Culture in Your Organization on LinkedIn

Featured image: Bejoy Peter, Performance Coach, seen in the backdrop of purpose statement of Mettle Networks, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, May 2018.