It was a short and amazing journey I had with you. Many good moments remain. The sheer amount of talent in this batch amazes me.
Perhaps talent is unused potential. You need to discipline yourself to sharpen your skills.
The best way to do so is to start working on them immediately. And then combine it with a burning desire to excel in your chosen field.
If you learn a few tricks right, you can pull a rabbit out of a hat and people call it magic. But to weave that kind of magic in life, you need to persevere in spite of all failures and setbacks.
The good news is that each person in this batch can excel. Do not compare yourself with others and feel inferior. What’s the point in fuelling negativity? The sun still shines even if the clouds hide it.
My wish and prayer is to see each one of you succeed. And to know that in some small way the sessions we had helped you to succeed will be my greatest joy.
Thank you dear friends for your wonderful attitude, and joyous enthusiasm displayed in class.
It is not always I get the privilege of teaching such a talented and promising bunch of youngsters in one batch.
The more I think the more I miss your class. Hope this record of 71 students in Batch 210 of BPPS1 remains unbroken!
Look ahead. The future comes at dizzying speeds. If you can cut short your time spent on silly things and utilize them to prepare for your future; just like the ant gathers its food in summer for rainy days ahead; you will succeed.
1 210th Batch of BPPS was held at Department of Computer Applications, students of MCA, College of Engineering Trivandrum (CET) in February-March 2018.