Talent is what God has gifted you with. You can hide it, neglect it, or use it.
Often we find many talented people unable to make it big in life.… Read the rest
Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®
Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®
Life needs words to inspire and hope to survive more than ever!
Talent is what God has gifted you with. You can hide it, neglect it, or use it.
Often we find many talented people unable to make it big in life.… Read the rest
So many walk away to the edge because they have failed in life.
So many give up because no one seems to care.… Read the rest
Excellence is a result of several attitudes. When these attitudes are combined together they become that one habit of excellence that shall springboard you to greatness.… Read the rest
The tongue is a small organ in the body; yet it has got awesome power.
It is amazing to note how people lift up their heads, put on a smile and have a spring in their walk when they hear honest, sincere and uplifting words of appreciation.… Read the rest
Winning in life is a habit. Let me point out seven attitudes that will help you win in life.
It all starts with desire.… Read the rest
Rain comes down from heaven to earth. It makes no distinctions as it showers down on the rich and the poor; the good and the wicked; young and old, men and women; in the watered lands, the deserts and endless seas.… Read the rest
“You look beautiful in this dress today. It fits you perfectly.”
“You showed great courage in honestly admitting that you committed that mistake.”… Read the rest
Rejection is a fact of life. There is no need to be shocked or surprised about it. Instead learn how to face it.… Read the rest
If you wish to be a man or woman of impact,
If you wish to do a few some good,
If you wish that others remember you long after you are gone,
Then listen my friend to what wisdom has got to say.… Read the rest
Some hurts in life keep hurting for long.
Some hurts can never be shared. You bear it all alone.
Some hurts come because of our own fully.… Read the rest
I talk to you today because I’ve been there.
Not once or twice, but many times.
I know what it feels like to be discouraged.… Read the rest
All of us have struggled at some point in life in taking decisions; haven’t we? In this short speech let me outline a few simple practical steps to take decisions.… Read the rest
Life is a journey.
However hard we try there is no way to reverse the journey and start from the beginning again one more time.… Read the rest
Respected Teacher and my dear friends,
Isn’t it amazing that for every one human being there might be around 1 million ants in the world.… Read the rest
Red says STOP. When the light is red, do not act; do not move, do not proceed. You can escape so many tears and heartbreaks in life; if you simply learn to see Red.… Read the rest
Tomorrow is what we are all worried about; isn’t it?
But what if there is no tomorrow?
Then, how would you like to spend today?… Read the rest
Life is God’s gift to you. Do not nip it in the bud.
Life might not have been fair to you.… Read the rest
Teens, not surprisingly, is a time you commit many mistakes. Some of them are painful, some others embarrassing. Do not worry too much about what others think about you.… Read the rest
At the sound of this one word, some hearts flutter, some others skip a beat. There is rush of adrenaline for some; others blush.… Read the rest
Life is
limited by time,
happening in space,
and destined for eternity.
Let me explore Time, Space, and Eternity one by one.… Read the rest
In your worst moment; he still loves you.
You might feel like giving up.
But hold on; for he will not give up on you.… Read the rest
Ambition is the burning desire that enables you to achieve your goals in life. Without ambition no one has ever succeeded.… Read the rest
The first thing to teach your child is to look up at a clear night sky. And not bent down his/her head on to mobile screens.… Read the rest
Self-control is not a popular term with teens; but freedom is. Now freedom in excess without restrictions makes people slaves to whatever has mastered them.… Read the rest
A role model is a person whom I can look up to; learn from, and imitate. I can also be inspired to succeed the way he or she has done in his or her life.… Read the rest
If you have got one true friend, you are rich.
If you have got two, you are a billionaire.… Read the rest
Have you ever woken up with a heavy heart?
It could have been the mistakes of the previous day or the seeming hopelessness of a present situation that weighed you down then; perhaps even this day.… Read the rest
Hi friends,
No two people are alike.
No two people succeed alike.
And it follows that no two people fail alike.… Read the rest
In the love poems by King Solomon known as Song of Solomon or Song of Songs, he speaks about a Lover and his Beloved.… Read the rest
A life with purpose is one which looks with intense focus and passion on the goal. It defies all odds and comes back from all setbacks in the pursuit of the same.… Read the rest