Flowers are lovely. They make the earth beautiful.
Flowers represent life. They show us the promise of life when it buds. They charm us with their youthful loveliness in bloom. When they fade and fall, their glory lies trampled on the ground. It reminds of life that dust is and to dust returns.
Flowers make its appearance in all our occasions in life—be it weddings or funerals, welcome or farewell. The red rose which has become inseparably wedded to love , the white jasmine that has become a garland of purity, and the orchids that stay long with elegance are all very much part of our lives,
Flowers proclaim the wisdom of our Creator. With how infinite variety has he made them all. How much joy flowers create, how varied their colours and how majestic when they bloom in endless rows in wide fields and plains. From the tiny flowers that dot the green pastures to the flowers of aquatic plants, flowers surprise us with joy.

Flowers beautify our gardens. Flowers in gardens make us nostalgic. They refresh our minds with times we spend together with our loved ones and friends. In this busy world where we are confined to concrete jungles, how relaxing is a walk in a garden full of blooming trees and plants sporting beautiful, lovely flowers!
Flowers create special memories. Who can forget the story of the beautiful blind young girl selling flowers at the beginning of the classic movie by Charlie Chaplin, City Lights. The brilliant end of that movie when the girl who can now see offers Charlie Chaplin the tramp a flower and the moment of recognition when their hands touch is simply unforgettable.
Let me end by saying that when I think of flowers, along with Wordsworth, my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils!