Do you think time is going to last for ever? Don’t you think there is a time appointed for the end?… Read the rest
Jesus Is Coming Soon!
Jesus is coming soon. It is going to be a sudden coming, a majestic coming, a joyous coming, and a momentous coming.… Read the rest
Be Ready—the End of the World Is Near!
Be ready! You just need to look around titles of Hollywood movies1 to know how much end times and the end of the world influence thinking of popular fiction.… Read the rest
Elocution Competition Topic: Social and Humanitarian Changes Brought by the Pandemic Covid-19
Pandemic Covid-19 has changed the global landscape completely. It has made us realize how unpredictable life is. I would like to focus today on the social and humanitarian changes brought about by the pandemic.… Read the rest
The Stranger with a One Line Haunting Message
My best friend and I were standing outside our church premises talking. This was early 1990’s.
Sunday morning it was. Time around 11:30am.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech on God’s Mercy for You
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love;1” is a prayer that God is sure to answer.… Read the rest
When Death Speaks, Listen to Its Meaning!
We all fear death. The reality of death should make us think. Why is life on earth brief? Why is there pain, sickness, suffering, and finally death?… Read the rest
Short Compere Speech Online on Indian Independence Day Celebrations
Good morning one and all.
Welcome all to the 74th Independence day. This time we are celebrating in the midst of a global crisis due to Covid-19.… Read the rest
A Teacher’s Motivational Speech: Three Life Lessons Every Student Should Know
Life has changed after Covid-19. Classes are online. I miss the warmth of friendship, the ambience of learning, and the fun of doing things together.… Read the rest
By the Rivers of Babylon: A Song of Hope in a Long Night of Captivity!
By the rivers of Babylon is a Psalm1 that was originally sung by prisoners of hope.
Read Hope for You Today on LinkedIn
To the people taken captives and in exile, to a people who had nothing to look forward to or hope for, God spoke through Prophet Jeremiah asking them not to lose heart but to work with all their hearts in the land of their captivity:
But what means this song to you and me today?… Read the rest
Fear Change or Change Fear in a Post-pandemic World
Covid 19 has changed the face of the world. Faces have been masked, handshakes are not welcome anymore, social distancing is the norm, classes are online, and work from home (WFH) and video-conferencing is the new culture.… Read the rest
Jesus Is Risen!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead means three things for you:
One, the certainty of hope of life after death.… Read the rest
This Is a Time to Hope–A Short Speech When Speeches Too Go Virtual!
My dear friends,
The world has seen a very small microbe Covid 19 become a giant global showstopper. Life itself is a big question mark to millions.… Read the rest
Do Not Worry About Tomorrow!
Most of us worry constantly. We worry about our health, our finances, our marriage, our careers, our children, exams and interviews, and our future. … Read the rest
7 Tips on How to Speak at Funerals and Memorial Meetings
How to talk on such an occasion is difficult to say. Emotions play a major role. But still some guidelines might help.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech on the Magnetic Pull of the Cross!
No one can forget the scene. On top a hill lifted up on a cross hung wounded and bleeding, Jesus, the Saviour.… Read the rest
1 Minute Speech for Children on Healthy Habits
Respected teachers and my dear friends,
A warm good morning to one and all.
It is said that you sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”… Read the rest