Your Emotional Healing Will Happen in God’s Mercy

Has someone hurt you bad. It might have been years since it happened. The pain hasn’t gone away; has it? Is there anything beyond counselling help and the support of friends? Possibly yes. Your emotional healing will happen in God’s mercy.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

The first and foremost thought about emotional healing is that of your true value. It has to be restored and brought back to its original design. As God had planned for you. The scars have to heal and perhaps the shame of yesterdays wiped away. But can that happen? Oh, yes! If you allow it, God can do it for you to heal you emotionally.

Secondly, emotional healing is about having hope for your future. You need not allow negativity of what had happened to dictate how you want to take your life forward. With God everything can become new in your life.  What has been lost, God can bring back in ways you have not imagined. Thus emotional healing holds within it hope for your future.

Thirdly, emotional healing is about finding forgiveness with God. Even though you were the victim of the situation, you might be finding it difficult to accept God’s forgiveness in your life. Somehow you feel yourself responsible and guilty for whatever had happened. You might feel someone accusing you all the time.

But don’t let all this discourage you. Come to God and find healing of your emotions and forgiveness. For he accepts you just as you are and makes you brand new.

Finally, emotional healing is about believing the promises of God; two of which I mention here:

One, the Bible says, “by his wounds you have been healed.”1 Yes, the basis of your emotional healing is found in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for you where his body was broken for you.

And second, “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”2

Let me conclude by saying that Jesus came as One sent by God to “bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favour.” 3

The purpose of his coming includes setting you free from fear and from all that is oppressing your mind. Your emotional healing is part of this purpose. So come to him. And seek his face continually. And Jesus, in his mercy, will make your emotional healing a reality in his own good time.

You can read this article on Emotional Healing in God’s Mercy on LinkedIn.

1Isaiah 53;5, 1 Peter 2:24.
2Psalm 34:18.
3Isaiah 61:1b, 2a.
[All the above quotes are from the Bible NIV 1984,]

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