Sunday Sermonettes #018
Sin, failures, mistakes, and troubles caused by people who are close to you can cause your head to bow down.… Read the rest
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Sin, failures, mistakes, and troubles caused by people who are close to you can cause your head to bow down.… Read the rest
Life is like that. The calm of life is suddenly broken by the unexpected changes that come. And it is quite natural that we become afraid when our boat is caught in the storm.… Read the rest
“Where are you?” That was the first question God ever asked the first man and woman. Even now he is asking that question to you.… Read the rest
There is every chance that the title resonated with the pain in your heart; isn’t it? Many people are unhappy at work.… Read the rest
There is not one who does not feel anxious at some point in time. For a student it can be just before an exam; for a professional it can be some pending work or a meeting with the boss.… Read the rest
Are you facing giants in your life? They can either kill you or make you strong if you fight and conquer them.… Read the rest
Having a healthy mind is critical to your success in life. And surprisingly it is quite easy to have a healthy mind.… Read the rest
Why should you be invited to life? Aren’t you living already? Or is there life beyond life as we know it?… Read the rest
We have, it seems, an in-built microscope which magnifies problems to make them look bigger than they really are. Let us look at some simple steps to zoom them out to normal sizes.… Read the rest
When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a word of comfort; isn’t it?… Read the rest
Usain Bolt, one of the greatest sprinters the world has seen, wrote in his autobiography1: “Distraction for one hundredth of a second might be enough to lose a race.”… Read the rest
You are reading this probably because you are going through a period of low self-esteem. It can happen due to a lot of reasons.… Read the rest
Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are commonly talked about. The advancement in technology and the giant leaps made in development has caused harm to our environment and to ourselves.… Read the rest
Forgiving someone who has done you harm or wronged you in some way is not easy. We hold a grudge against a person who has wronged us.… Read the rest
Do you think time is going to last for ever? Don’t you think there is a time appointed for the end?… Read the rest
Even when others might call you a failure; God doesn’t call you so. For the blood of Jesus shed on the cross was to give you a new beginning in life.… Read the rest
Grace is often described as the favour of God which we do not merit or deserve. On one occasion the LORD Jesus said to St.… Read the rest
King David wrote in his famous Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”… Read the rest
Most of us worry constantly. It can depress you and make you lose hope. In the midst of your anxieties, one way to stay afloat without losing hope is to ask yourself the question, “Why are you downcast, O my soul?”… Read the rest
There are times when the flowers are in bloom, the sky is clear and blue, and everyone seems to sport a smile, but you are down; unable to see any good in things around you!… Read the rest
Napoléon Bonaparte said, “A leader is a dealer in hope.” Martin Luther King spoke about the buoyancy of hope while Barak Obama wrote and spoke about the audacity of hope.… Read the rest
A day will soon come when Jesus will call the dead to life. And those who hear his voice will come back to life.… Read the rest
Are you tired of living? If yes, there are three quick things you can do.
One, call out to God for help.… Read the rest
So many people dream about the perfect time to begin. It rarely happens. Though there are occasions when timing means everything; most of life is about doing things now.… Read the rest
You can rise up in God’s strength today. This message is for you who think you are a failure in life.… Read the rest
If you procrastinate you are living on credit you can never pay back. For time is a limited resource and there is not anything that can replace time lost.… Read the rest
New Year is a time of promise of a bright future ahead. It is a time you love to leave behind the baggage of the past and take new resolutions for the year ahead.… Read the rest
Have you tried to find satisfaction in work, in play, in entertainment, in relationships, in love, in pleasures, and even surfing the internet or chatting in social media platforms?… Read the rest
Self-doubt can defeat you.
How can you tackle self-doubt? Let us look at seven steps to do so:
Look at the worst that can happen.… Read the rest
In the beginning.
Science has gone to extraordinary lengths to come up with interesting explanations like Big Bang about origins.… Read the rest