Sunday Sermonettes #023

Understanding the 9th Habit
Stephen R. Covey wrote about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And he added an 8th one which says “Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.” Here is the 9th habit which can undo you. It is the habit of making and giving excuses. They are the hallmark of highly ineffective people.
We learn to make and give excuses at home to avoid punishment, practice it at school to fool teachers, and bring it to perfection at the workplace to cover up our inefficiency. It is a blessing for the lazy and a mask for the perfectionist who never gets started. But it is a habit the 9th one that will undo you.
The Parable
Jesus talked about people making excuses. He told a story or a parable to illustrate it. He spoke about a man who was preparing a banquet and had sent out invitations for the feast. When the time for the feast came he sent out his servants to bring in the invited guests. And surprisingly all those who had earlier accepted the invitation began to make excuses.
The first one said, “I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.” The second one said: “I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.” And still a third one said: “I just got married. So I can’t come.”
At first look, you can’t find fault with any of them. They gave legitimate excuses. But if you think why Jesus told this story; then you will understand what these people missed.
The man who hosted the feast is God himself. The invitation is to enjoy God and be part of his kingdom. In that sense, the invitation was to be seen as a huge privilege; much greater than a personal invitation by The President of the United States of America.
The Excuses
Now let us look at the excuses: There is the tragedy of the present and now; toppling the eternal. There is the disaster of earthly things crowding out spiritual things. There is the sorrow of priorities being misplaced.
Business and work or career and personal relationships are important. But they should never crowd out your love for God and seeking him.
What Happens When You Reject God’s Invitation?
God will simply bypass you to extend the invitation to those whom you think are not worthy to be part of God’s kingdom. In this story the man sends invitation to people in the streets and alleys of the town to bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.
Yes, when you make excuses to God, he will be extending the invitation to people you will never normally accept to be part of your group.
And even after all these things had been done there was still room. So he sends invitation far and wide for people to come even from far away. He also added this warning: Not one of those who were originally invited will get a taste of my banquet.
As you look at the life of Jesus we find the religious people of his day rejecting him. But he was welcomed by the sinners, the common folk, and the social outcastes. People who were looked down upon by the society found a great welcome in Jesus’ invitation to be part of God’s forgiving love.
Know that Jesus accepts you just as you are with all your sins, mistakes, faults, and failures.
Practical Application
First of all, are you in the habit of making and giving excuses? Are you even aware that you have this 9th habit which is destroying you and is undoing you?
Secondly, when God gives you a chance, when he is inviting you; show urgency to accept the invitation and be part of his love. Lesser things will take care of themselves; be it career, family, friends, or earthly possessions. God first. Let that be your watchword.
If you have read this much; think of your excuse of not having a closer walk with God. What is the excuse of not coming to accept the love of God shown on the cross where Jesus bled and died for you?
Thirdly, making and giving excuses is a tactic we employ to avoid responsibility. When Prophet Nathan confronted King David telling him that he did great wrong in committing adultery and murder; he humbly accepted responsibility saying: “I have sinned against the LORD.” (2 Samuel 12:13) He did not make excuses for his sinful acts.
Call to Action
#1. Become aware of your habit of making excuses; for making and giving excuses is that 9th habit of highly ineffective people.
#2. Show urgency to act when God is giving you a chance to put him first in your life without making excuses.
#3. Accept responsibility for your decisions without blaming others or circumstances for your behaviour.
The above post is based on The Parable of the Banquet or Great Feast found in Luke 14:15-24. Featured image courtesy: Photo by Kenneth Surillo on Pexels | Microsoft Designer