Four Reasons Why Your Prayers Can Go Unanswered!

Many people are disappointed with prayer; maybe you too are! In this short speech you’ll discover four reasons why your prayers can go unanswered. Do keep in mind that your failure to wait to listen to God in prayer contributes to the problem of unanswered prayer as much as the four reasons that are going to be mentioned.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Prayers can go unanswered when your asking is not with right motives. God’s searchlights penetrate and light up every nook and corner of your heart. It shows up what you hide.

And when your lips say one thing and your heart means something else, that means you are asking with wrong motives and those prayers can go unanswered.

Prayers can go unanswered when they are not made in faith. If you look at many prayers they are just wishful thinking. Faith goes deeper. It is confidence in the person, who is God himself, to whom you pray to. It is faith that delights in your relationship with God as your heavenly Father and you as his child.

Faith looks more at the Giver than at the gift you expect to get. If this kind of faith is absent, then prayers can go unanswered.

Prayers can go unanswered when there is no persevering in prayer. God is not an ATM that delivers cash when you put in your card. He is more interested to see you grow in character. Therefore like a wise parent, he often delays answers to prayer. That will make some people quit praying. But those who are desperate for answers to prayer keep on praying.

This is not vain repetition but it is more of a “Do not give up” attitude Jesus taught about prayer. When this kind of perseverance is absent, prayers can go unanswered.

Prayers can go unanswered when they are not in tune with God’s will. This is very perplexing to many. We wish one thing to happen and we pray about it, and it does not happen. We become angry with God about it. Quite natural that we react like that. Yes, there are questions to which we don’t have any answers to.

Therefore Jesus taught us to pray to God, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” If our desire is in contradiction to God’s will, that prayer can go unanswered.

Finally, let me end by saying God is interested in answering your prayers. But he is more interested in changing you to be ready for the answers when he is pleased to give them to you.

So pray with right motives, pray in faith that God will answer prayer, pray with perseverance, and ask God for wisdom to pray according to his will.

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” — Psalm 34:17. 18 Bible NIV 1984.

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