Sunday Sermonettes #021
The Context
Saul, in response to a request, went in search of his father’s donkeys that were lost.… Read the rest
Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®
Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®
Saul, in response to a request, went in search of his father’s donkeys that were lost.… Read the rest
“Who despises the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10a Bible). These words should inspire hope in you because they beam a light on what the Spirit of God can do in your life even if it is in ruins right now.… Read the rest
Sin, failures, mistakes, and troubles caused by people who are close to you can cause your head to bow down.… Read the rest
The shortest message of Christmas is: “Baby Jesus in Bethlehem and in my heart.” Even a child can understand this. But there are two truths here that we should not miss:
One is the historical reality of Christmas.… Read the rest
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 Bible).… Read the rest
Audacity is courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking. We are now talking about that kind of courage or confidence to hope in God.… Read the rest
I remember the emotion I felt when I read the first five books of the Bible for the first time.… Read the rest
Do you consistently speak words of hope or do you speak words of despair? The power of words we use is immense.… Read the rest
Jesus told the paralyzed man “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” People were crowding around Jesus. So his friends had lowered him on a mat before Jesus from an opening made through the tiles in the roof of the house.… Read the rest
Each one of us has stared into the face of despair at some point in our lives. No hope.… Read the rest
Life is like that. The calm of life is suddenly broken by the unexpected changes that come. And it is quite natural that we become afraid when our boat is caught in the storm.… Read the rest
Jesus is calling you to himself. You cannot stay where you are to answer that call. You have to take a step forward.… Read the rest
“Where are you?” That was the first question God ever asked the first man and woman. Even now he is asking that question to you.… Read the rest
The opening verse of the Bible does not introduce God. He needs no introduction. He was, is, and always will be.… Read the rest
It is impossible to grow in your career without being able to say No. If you say Yes all the time, that means you are being a people-pleaser.… Read the rest
There is great power in 3 things when you think about Don’t You Quit:
First of all, trust in God. When things look hopeless and no one is in a position to help you and no door seems to open, God is still there.… Read the rest
… Read the restWelcome 2024 with hope in God. Out of loss in previous years; there can yet come a sprout out of the stump left.
“Give us each day our daily bread,” is a simple prayer Jesus taught us to pray.
First of all it is a child-like prayer to God our Father in heaven.… Read the rest
There is every chance that the title resonated with the pain in your heart; isn’t it? Many people are unhappy at work.… Read the rest
There is not one who does not feel anxious at some point in time. For a student it can be just before an exam; for a professional it can be some pending work or a meeting with the boss.… Read the rest
Your look matters. What you see is what makes you think. Looking up at the twinkling stars is what made the poet ask, “How I wonder what you are?”… Read the rest
Shankumugham Beach, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
10th September 2010.
Two sets of fishermen were standing in line. They were holding on to two ends of the fishing net.… Read the rest
Hard work leads to success. There is no doubt about it. So many people have proven that through their life and experience.… Read the rest
Are you facing giants in your life? They can either kill you or make you strong if you fight and conquer them.… Read the rest
A young woman in England was troubled in her mind. She felt herself unworthy to come to Jesus. A Swiss evangelist, Cesar Malan who was visiting the town told her, “Come just as you are.”… Read the rest
Having a healthy mind is critical to your success in life. And surprisingly it is quite easy to have a healthy mind.… Read the rest
Why should you be invited to life? Aren’t you living already? Or is there life beyond life as we know it?… Read the rest
“Surely the day is coming; It will burn like a furnace,” says the Bible.1 These words written by God-breathed inspiration nearly 2400 years ago is moving at the speed of light to its fearful and inescapable prophetic fulfillment.… Read the rest
Curse words and dirty swear words have become fashionable. Movies, music, and friends make them common. But do they rob children of their innocence?… Read the rest
“Be still” as your success mantra is easily said than done. Being still is not about switching off one’s mind and thinking; but bringing God into the driver’s seat of one’s mind.… Read the rest