Sunday Sermonettes #017
At some point in life each one of us might have asked this question, “Has God forgotten me?” We ask this question during the difficult times in our life.
The first thought is that delay to God’s answers to your prayers are no indication that God has forgotten you. Often, in the waiting period, when you see-saw between hope and despair, God is preparing you to receive the goodness he has kept in store for you.
Secondly, God has promised not to forget you. And he does not lie. He never fails to keep his promises. He has said that it is highly unlikely for a mother to forget her new born baby. God says, even if she forgets, I will not forget you.
Thirdly, God is teaching you to walk by faith during those times you think that God has forgotten you. When God seems absent, the path ahead might look dark and threatening. Your friends might fall to help you. But your faith does not depend on sight. You learn to take one step at a time in hope.
Again, many times it is written in the Bible, “God remembered” someone. Does that mean God had forgotten them? No. God remembered is an expression which means the season for God to act in their lives had then come. And suddenly things begin to move in their lives swiftly.
Now, does your complaint that God has forgotten you make you an unbeliever? No. It simply tells us how weak we are and how much ẁe need to learn to depend on God to live our lives. God is bigger than we think and he does not find fault with your honest doubt, “Has God Forgotten me?”
One of the things that helps you rise above despair is looking back on your past and seeing how God has helped you. Think about how God took care of your needs during the very difficult situations in your life. He is the same God and changes not. He will not forget you. He will surely come to your help.