Sunday Sermonettes #017
At some point in life each one of us might have asked this question, “Has God forgotten me?”… Read the rest
Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®
Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®
At some point in life each one of us might have asked this question, “Has God forgotten me?”… Read the rest
Audacity is courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking. We are now talking about that kind of courage or confidence to hope in God.… Read the rest
God knew you before anyone else knew you.… Read the rest
Jesus is calling you to himself. You cannot stay where you are to answer that call. You have to take a step forward.… Read the rest
There is great power in 3 things when you think about Don’t You Quit:
First of all, trust in God. When things look hopeless and no one is in a position to help you and no door seems to open, God is still there.… Read the rest
Hope is in short supply in today’s world. But let me remind you of how to overflow with hope. If you are feeling tired and having no strength; if you feel powerless and weak; hold on.… Read the rest
It is easy to say God is dead. Atheists believe that there is no God. There might be logic in their argument.… Read the rest
Champions have a different mindset. One thing that makes them different from others is their ability to raise their game to highest performance when situations demand it from them.… Read the rest
I share with you this classic mistake I once made in my speech which I remember the most. The occasion was a sermon I delivered in my Church.… Read the rest
A young woman in England was troubled in her mind. She felt herself unworthy to come to Jesus. A Swiss evangelist, Cesar Malan who was visiting the town told her, “Come just as you are.”… Read the rest
Open doors are everywhere. But if you don’t see them; it is simply because you are looking at the past and looking at the already closed doors!… Read the rest
Why should you be invited to life? Aren’t you living already? Or is there life beyond life as we know it?… Read the rest
Respected Principal, Beloved Teachers, Dear Parents, and my fellow students,
I stand here at this school assembly looking at the faces of young students who are the future of our country, India.… Read the rest
Do you know the good news?
Jesus came to bleed and die on the cross.
He died in your place taking your punishment upon him.… Read the rest
A while ago someone rang the doorbell in my house. But no music was heard. It was not faulty but there was no electric supply.… Read the rest
We have, it seems, an in-built microscope which magnifies problems to make them look bigger than they really are. Let us look at some simple steps to zoom them out to normal sizes.… Read the rest
Popular preaching or sermons puts you in the centre, makes you feel good, and tells you that God is going to solve your problems and bless you.… Read the rest
If I were to tell you, “I will not forget you,” the chances are that I will. Life is busy and when other priorities get the upper hand, you will soon be forgotten once you are out of my sight.… Read the rest
We all know the story of the greedy fox. Therefore, today, let me tell you something about greed. [Click this link to listen to the BPPS Podcast of this speech on YouTube.]… Read the rest
There is no success, no movement forward, no progress, no growth, and no development if you don’t try. So it is popularly said, “Try again and again until you succeed.”… Read the rest
Hi friends,
It is time once again for the flowers to bloom and the song of the birds to make music in our ears.… Read the rest
At the World Athletic Championships Oregon 2022, the mascot, Legend the Bigfoot, photo bombed Sydney McLaughlin while holding a sign saying: “World records are my favorite food.”… Read the rest
What comes first to your mind when you think of God? This is no chicken first or egg first question. If you do an opinion poll, the results would surprise you.… Read the rest
“Search me, O God, and know my heart,” is a prayer that should rise out of every sincere heart. There are several possibilities of this prayer.… Read the rest
When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a word of comfort; isn’t it?… Read the rest
You might be suffering from guilt. Now how can your guilt be taken away? Will due punishment take it away? It cannot!… Read the rest
If you are young and probably in your teens, life can turn difficult from being rosy as quickly as lights are switched off.… Read the rest
Usain Bolt, one of the greatest sprinters the world has seen, wrote in his autobiography1: “Distraction for one hundredth of a second might be enough to lose a race.”… Read the rest
Hello Everyone,
The Bible says: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119 verse 11.… Read the rest
Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are commonly talked about. The advancement in technology and the giant leaps made in development has caused harm to our environment and to ourselves.… Read the rest