Champions have a different mindset. One thing that makes them different from others is their ability to raise their game to highest performance when situations demand it from them. Let us look at some the highlights of a champion’s mindset.
First of all, champions don’t think defeat.
They are realistic with who their competition is. But they don’t allow that to intimidate them. Often the best opponent and the toughest teams bring out the best in them and help them bring out their best performance.
Secondly, champions enjoy their game.
They workout, toil, and spend long hours in practice. All these are tolling on the mind and body. But they persevere because they enjoy what they do. Even when they sleep they dream of enjoying their game. This undoubtedly makes them raise their game to highest performance while on the field.
Thirdly, champions don’t give up till the very last.
They have the ability to bounce back from early setbacks if it happens. They keep cool under pressure. They anticipate in hope till they catch the opponent relaxing for perhaps a split second and turn the tables around. Often champions show their true colors by unbelievable comebacks especially during final moments of a game. This is performance at its very best.
Fourthly, champions treat victories differently.
They are happy; but they are dissatisfied with even their best performance. Always, they strive to find what they could do better next time. No champion relaxes on reaching a summit. They treat it as history and focus sharply on the next game coming up. Looking forward is one way champions raise the level of their game to highest performance.
Finally, champions sense it when their fans, the situation, and the watching world is expecting them to perform.
They adapt to even hostile situations and deliver under pressure. Perhaps this one distinguishes a champion from others. They raise the level of their game to highest performance when all is against them.
To conclude, you too can be a champion if you strive to win, have that killer instinct, and a never give up hope-filled attitude until you win.
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Featured image: Photo by Jim De Ramos: