Sunday Sermonettes #008
Jesus told the paralyzed man “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” People were crowding around Jesus. So his friends had lowered him on a mat before Jesus from an opening made through the tiles in the roof of the house. They had faith that Jesus would heal him. And they were desperate to get him to Jesus.
It was clear to all that the man needed physical healing. Some of our needs are obvious like this. But when you come to Jesus, he often confronts you with a deeper and greater need than the physical. It is a need that nobody can help you with. It is your need to find forgiveness and peace with God.
When Jesus said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven,” the religious people who had gathered there began to think, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” They were right. Only God could forgive the sins of any man or woman. But they failed to understand that Jesus was God in human flesh.
Knowing their thoughts, Jesus asked them whether it was easy to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Get up , take your mat and walk?”
It brings us to the question of authority. The government or a bank can decide to cancel debts that individuals or organizations owe them. This is because they have the authority to do so. But when it comes to sins; no human agency or individual has the authority to forgive. It is an act of God’s mercy alone.
That also tells you there is nothing you can do to earn God’s forgiveness. No self-punishment, no pilgrimage, no acts of charity, no good deeds are enough. But if your heart is broken and you humbly seek God for his mercy; he will certainly forgive. Remember, no man or woman on earth can forgive sins. Only God alone can forgive.
And there is no limit to God’s forgiveness. There is no sin, however greatly it has stained your life, that God cannot forgive. Jesus shed his blood on the cross so that all can find forgiveness for their sins. He not only forgives when you tell your sins before him; but his blood also cleanses you from all sins.
Sometimes, you look at your own goodness and think there is no need for God’s forgiveness in your life. But is that true? The Bible declares, “There is no difference, for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” And all of us know that there are thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions that are not right in my life and your life as well.
The point is that when such wrong things happen in our lives, you and I owe God a huge moral debt that not one of us can pay. The only solution is to take it to God and seek his forgiveness. Then, if you are truthfully earnest, God will tell you. “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” That settles it forever.
God hurls your sins into the depths of the sea and sweeps away your offenses like a cloud when he forgives you. Even though he has kept your secret sins in the light of his presence, when he forgives; he will remove them from you as far as the east is from the west. How sweet and comforting to hear Jesus tell you: “Friend, your sins are forgiven!”
Read more on the healing of the paralytic man in the Gospels of Matthew 9:2–8, Mark 2:1–12 and Luke 5:17–26.
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