Sunday Sermonettes | The Day of Small Things

Sunday Sermonettes #020

“Who despises the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10a Bible). These words should inspire hope in you because they beam a light on what the Spirit of God can do in your life even if it is in ruins right now. So get started on rebuilding your life right now. Do not despise the small beginnings of this change or transformation.

Do remember that if there is one thing that has made people fail, it is that they never get started. Some people never begin because they fear failure. Others think too much about what people will say. A few think about a perfect beginning and postpone it for a later date. And it never happens.

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And if there is one thing about success you would like to know, it is to start small. Most of the things that are begun with the help of the Spirit of God are humble beginnings. They are mostly like a shoot out of dry ground. It doesn’t promise much. But God will see to it that it is watered and it flourishes in spite of extreme circumstances it finds itself in.

If your life is in ruins, and you think all hope is lost; God is encouraging you to start rebuilding your life once again with his help. It will be an effort that will be accomplished not on your human strength or power but by the Spirit of God. It calls for your reliance on God and his unlimited resources.

You need not look at your insignificance and lose heart, for it is God who is on your side. You might face discouragement looking back at the lost glory of your past; the seeming impossibility of the present task, and also the opposition you are facing. But God’s purposes would prevail.

You just begin the task. The beginnings will seem small and humble. But God will do a great work. And its accomplishment will bear the stamp of God’s glory in it as well.

Today, when you begin to realign your life to God’s purposes, you might feel disheartened by the slow progress you are making. God is encouraging you today not to despise the small beginnings you are making.

What you are now attempting can become a source of inspiration, a lampstand that gives light continually with the oil supplied by the Spirit of God, and a significant milestone in the plan of God to call others to his love and care.

And opposition is not a sign that your beginning was a mistake; but it is probably the surest sign that you are on the right track. God is building resilience in you through the opposition. He is teaching you to rise above discouragement like how an eagle uses the might of the wind to rise higher.

Yet there will come a moment when God will demolish the mountain-like opposition and help you complete the task that you have begun to do with his help. When God acts; there is no chance for the opposition to stand against you.

All this requires a shift of focus from your side. Stop looking at your smallness or the smallness of your beginnings to rebuild your life. Instead turn your focus to the Spirit of God who is mighty to accomplish what human strength can never do.

Yes, there is hope for you because there is no limit to what the Spirit of God can do to rebuild and transform your life from small beginnings so that it will blaze with the glory of God.

Photo by Marcin Jozwiak on Pexels | Microsoft Designer

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