Sunday Sermonettes | #OpenToWork | Tips to Find Your Destiny from the Search for Lost Donkeys

Sunday Sermonettes #021

The Context

Saul, in response to a request, went in search of his father’s donkeys that were lost. He was an impressive young man, without equal in that land. He went for an ordinary task. But that led him to his destiny. He met with the Prophet Samuel to whom God had already told to anoint the young man coming to meet him, king. This post from Sunday Sermonettes has invaluable tips to assist you in your job search as you are #OpenToWork.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Be Enthusiastic

When you are #OpenToWork, always be enthusiastic about the work you currently have a chance to do. It might not be something spectacular. But when you do it with diligence and mindfulness, it will lead you to better opportunities.

Believe in Possibilities

When you are #OpenToWork, always believe in possibilities. How can you know if some ordinary task you are doing will not lead you to find a greater purpose in your life? Even after Samuel told him about the kingship, Saul was not fully convinced. When the time came and the people gathered together to greet the new king, Saul was not seen. Finally, they found him hiding behind the baggage.

Your inferiority or insignificance is no barrier for God to exalt you in the time of his choosing.

Seize Opportunities

When you are #OpenToWork, be ready to seize opportunities. It might be a half-chance or might not even have anything to do with your true calling in life. You might get an opportunity for something as ordinary as looking for lost donkeys. But like a goal-scorer in football who anticipates where the ball might come in the penalty area; you should anticipate opportunities to come your way.

Be Aware of What’s Happening Around You

That brings us to the next point. When you are #OpenToWork, be prepared. It requires constantly updating yourself and also having a big picture of trends and changes happening in your domain. As far as Saul was concerned, the political climate of that time was that people were clamouring for having a king like the other nations around them. Even though he least expected it, he became their first king. But you should make yourself aware about what is happening in the job market to be prepared for your opportunity.

Travel with Hope

When you are #OpenToWork, travel with hope. There came a point in their journey Saul was discouraged in his search for donkeys. It was his servant who encouraged him to go and meet the seer (the prophet was called seer in those days because he had a God-given ability to see into the future). His servant told him that the seer would tell them what way to take. As R. L. Stevenson wrote in his essay El Dorado: “To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.”

Sharpen Your Skills

Again, when you are #OpenToWork, sharpen your skills. If your axe is not sharpened, all your efforts at felling trees is not going to be effective. And King Solomon shares his wisdom encouraging you to be skilled in your work: “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings, he will not serve before obscure men.” (Proverbs 22:29 Bible)

A Change of Heart

Perhaps, one more thought from the episode of Saul being chosen king is that you and I need a change of heart. Often when you search for a job, you might be rejected multiple times. That can lead to discouragement, resentment, and even a sense of failure. Saul, in response to Samuel informing him that he is to be king, says that his family is one having the least social status in their land. So God had to change his heart to prepare him for his destiny.

Similarly, you too have to realize that your worth and significance come from your value as an individual in God’s eyes. You need to see yourselves from his perspective.

When you are #OpenToWork, do not allow being fired from your work, being laid off, networking without results, enduring long periods of silence when you don’t hear back from your potential employer, or your applications being repeatedly rejected even after many positive rounds of interviews define you or your worth. They are just layers on the core value of who you are in God. He values you for who you are and not based on your performance.

“Follow Me” to Your Destiny

The big lesson to learn is that the lesser things will be taken care of. The donkeys for which Saul went searching were later found. Saul had no role in finding them. But he had found his destiny.

When Jesus asked a man to follow him, he said, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” What he meant was that he will finish all his household duties and after everything is settled he will come and follow Jesus.

To this Jesus replied, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” What Jesus meant was that those who are not having God’s life in them will take care of the ordinary tasks. You don’t worry about the routine and lesser things of life. But think of the destiny that God has planned for you. Act on it now.

The story of Saul’s search for donkeys and rise to the throne is found in 1 Samuel 9 and 10; and Jesus’s conversation with the man is found in Luke 9:59, 60.

Image courtesy: Luciana Evrard on Pexels and OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay | Microsoft Designer

#OpenToWork #JobSearch #Networking

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