Companies and Organisations are looking for people who can deliver. Are you one who has the potential to be selected?
Employability is not just about getting a job but making yourself an asset to the company.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Company is paying you a salary so that you can deliver a greater return to the Company. So it is not your growth that the Company is primarily interested in, but how your abilities and skills and resources can be best tapped to further the exponential growth of the Company.
Now the question is, “Are you good enough?” Check out these qualities that Employers are expecting from you.
This is of utmost importance. Ideally, you should have a positive attitude. You should be willing to learn. Moreover you should have the skill and discipline to adapt to given situations. Negative, defiant, and stubborn attitudes will never be tolerated.
You should have a minimum knowledge prescribed for the job. But more than that, you should be willing to update your knowledge constantly. An employer will be impressed if you did a Course in the time gap that occurred between your completion of study and the time you got a job. If that course you did is going to add value to the job you have applied for that is impressive.
Language and Communication Skills
You are expected both to speak and write well.
Your command in the English language does matter. What have you done to improve your skills in the English language?
Do you know to write a business email? It is important that you learn to write with the intention that the recipient understands the context. When you write, make sure that you refer to earlier mails or phone calls. Do mention what action was taken and what is yet to be done. Beyond all this, check for spelling and grammar. Write in simple English.
As far as speaking is concerned you will have to talk to your teammates as well as your clients. Make sure that you can speak with clarity.
Team Playing Skills
There are not many jobs available which do not demand team playing skills. So make sure that you get along with people. Try to understand other people’s point of view. Disagree without being disagreeable.
Most people think that leadership is a position. This is a traditional concept of leadership.
Today you are confronted with a more functional model of leadership. Whether you like it or not you are a leader in some way or the other.
Basically, the question is can you be entrusted with responsibility? Shouldering responsibility involves a cheerful willingness to get things done within specified time limits. In an important sense, if things go wrong as sometimes it does, are you willing to accept the blame instead of passing it on someone else?
The ability to make decisions and manage them is also part of leadership.
Willingness to go the Extra Mile
Many people desire a 9 to 5 job. In today’s competitive world this ideal is not always met. Do you have the willingness to spend more time at the Office when needed and get the work done?
Being Interested in the Company
Some candidates go for interviews with great confidence in their academic achievements. They do not take time to check out the Company’s website or get to know more about the organisation. During the interview some questions will definitely be asked to test the candidate’s knowledge and interest in the Company/Organisation. Go for an interview after having done a comprehensive research on the Company’s objectives and goals, their competition, current status in the share market and their plans for growth. In one word, show passion.
There are occasions when you will have to play a different role than the one you are used to. Can the Organisation depend on you? Do you resist change? Or are you someone who can embrace change and step into helping your organisation achieve their objectives?
Presentation Skills
We live in a communication jungle today. A lot of noise is created without much meaning. So the challenge is to present your data in a simple, colourful, imaginative way. Most important is your ability to separate the relevant from the irrelevant data.
Then you need to learn to organise data. And if you are using power point presentations, make sure that you can do so without any technical hassle spoiling your presentation. Do not pack every slide with too much information. Less the words and less the bulleted points, the better it is for the audience. Make sure you maintain proper eye contact with the audience during your presentation.
Numeric and IT Skills
There are several other skills that can make you employable. If you are good with numbers, that can be an asset. Again, your ability with computers and your ability to gather relevant data from the Internet can also give you a value addition.
Your dress code also matters. Make sure that your appearance is neat and modest and does not draw unnecessary attention to the apparel or accessories you are wearing.
Radiate Confidence
Beyond all this, be confident. And radiate confidence in the way you talk and walk and interact with others. Show initiative. Have a smile on your face.
Applying for a Job? Tips to Write a Smart Résumé/CV/Biodata