Sunday Sermonettes | God’s Compassions Never Fail for They Are New Every Morning

Sunday Sermonettes #019

Sometimes, you are tired of living. Troubles everywhere. No one seems to care. Everybody is busy with their own lives. You have no one to turn to. Then remember, you have God whose compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Like dewdrops that appear each morning bringing in fresh hope and renewal.

It is good to note what David the king and poet has described. He says that God remembers that we are but dust formed from the ground of the earth. So God has compassion on those who fear him just like a father has compassion on his children. There is a gentleness that is reflected here. God has a perfect understanding of your brokenness in life; and he visits you with compassion.
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Yesterday you might have failed. You might have sinned against God. You might have made mistakes that you regret today. Yet do not give up. For God will show you compassion. Morning brings word of his unfailing love. He gives you a fresh start today. For his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Just accept that in faith even as you trust in him.

Remember, your failures are opportunities for God to show his grace to you. Grace means undeserved mercy. He wants you to get up and not lie down in despair. He is showing you what you can be in Jesus. Your future has been sealed with the precious blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Therefore God is showing you compassion today.

So, rise up. Each new dawn is God’s way of saying: “Go on in the strength I will provide. Do not look at the threatening circumstances and lose heart. Do not look at your sins and give up. Instead look to me. I will show you mercy. I will give you yet another chance. Turn away from all evil. Then you will find that my compassions never fail. They are new every morning.”

Therefore when you wake up, thank and praise God for there is hope for you. No matter what you feel, the compassion of God is real, authentic, genuine and true. It will not fail. You can trust in its newness every morning because it comes from God who is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.

When you wake up, if your heart is burdened, just think of God’s compassions as a soft bed on which you can sink into and still find it holding you up with needed strength. God promises you today that his love for you will not be shaken even if mountains are shaken and hills removed because he has compassion on you.

Featured image courtesy: Photo by Pixabay on Pexels | Microsoft Designer.

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