Forget Your Past for the Train of Life Is Moving Forward

We look at photographs and see a moment that was captured. It is a reminder that the train of life has moved on from there. Therefore we need to learn to move forward in life instead of living in the past.

Often you and me get comfortable with our past triumphs. A new day brings new challenges and new opportunities. We need new plans and new strategies. Living in the glory of the past can blind our eyes to changes that are much needed to achieve success.

Therefore forget the success of your past. Instead adopt and adapt new strategies.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Then there are failures and mistakes made. The longer you keep looking at them is like driving forward looking at the small rear view mirror. It cannot but end in tragedy. You need to show courage to rise up from defeats and fight yet one more round.
Therefore forget your failures. Instead learn lessons from them and try again.

Beyond forgetting success and failures you need to tackle hurts people dented your heart with. Life will always have an element of friction when you deal with people. It cannot be avoided. Sometimes we are at the receiving end. It is painful. It hurts. But do not allow that to make your mind sour. Not easy. But with God’s help you need to keep your mind strong.

Therefore leave your baggage of hurts somewhere. Do not carry the luggage on your head while you sit in a moving train.

Finally, have hope. There is a moment when the grip of the past on your life will be broken. It can happen in spite of the hopeless circumstances you are in.

The train will move on. But the driver has changed. No longer are you in control. Leave it to him. He will do something new. It will take time. Be patient. Endure through tough times.

And you’ll find God reaching out to your messed up past and bring beauty out of its ashes and from its downright despair a song of praise!

So look ahead and see the new thing God will do in your life. Believe it.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” — Isaiah 43:19 Bible.

Jesus Is Risen!

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Short Speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, Vote of Thanks!

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